Regarding instal

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Regarding instal

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Hi Every Body,

Now i want to instal oracle financial 10.2 (latest version ) in PC.
Can any body suggest configaration (other information) of computer.

Like ...hard disk capacity., Ram , and other requirement,

With Regards,
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Post by ushakiran »

hi deepu,
need to have 160gb or more harddisk space becoz it occupies 120 gb for s/w installation and 1 gb ram is minimum
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Post by amk2135 »


160gb hardisk and dual core 2.66 or more and 512 ram also sufficient for 10.2version becoz i am also running 10.2 with 512 ram and if u r taking new system its better to take 1gb and if u want the procedure of installation u can go to and in that forums are there u can down load that.

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Post by waqar840 »

Hi Dear

If you mean about OS Configuration
Then follow these Steps

Installing oracle 11.5.10 on Linux 4
Reference 287453.1 metal ink note

1- Make sure that the following packages are installed
a. Legacy software development
b. X software development
2- These packages must be installed after installing Linux 4. They are available in RHEL CD 3
3- Rpm packegeName:
a. openmotif21-2.1.30-11.RHEL4.4 (Its dependent on another package libaio_0.3.102-1.i386.rpm)
b. libaio-0.3.102-1
c. libaio-devel-0.3.102-1
4- After installing these packages, run ldconfig ?v
5- Kernel requirement ( When you run rpms packages then kernel number must be mentioned under) How Check :
a. uname ?r (output : 2.3.9-5.EL)
b. rpm ?q glibc (output: 2.3.4-2)
6- Edit the following file /etc/resolv.conf
a. Options attempts:5
b. Options timeout:15
7- Change the following files:
a. Verify that the /etc/hosts file is formatted as follows:
i. localhost.localdomain
ii. <ip_address> <node_name>.<domain_name>
b. Verify that the /etc/sysconfig/network file is formatted as follows
i. Hostname =<node_name>.<domain_name>
c. If the /etc/sysconfig/networking/profiles/default/network file exists, remove it.
d. If you changes any files in the pervious steps, reboot the system
8- Modify number of open descriptors: in fiel /etc/scurity/limits.conf add the following lines
a. Hard nofile 65535
b. Soft nofile 4096
9- Modify port range value :/etc/sysctl.config add the following lie
a. net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000
10- set LD_ASSUME_KERNEL: in file /etc/profile
12 Create User Oracle and user group oinstall
and give acess to drives which you want to use
for this purpose
and create new user group
name oinstall
11- Apply patch 4198954
This package has two packages, which should be installed through
rpm ?ihv (packages names)

The above mentioned steps must be fulfill for installing Financial Suite.
Linux Installation: step
IP configuration will be entered
Firewall option not selected

On Oracle Apps through profile options:

SQL NET Access = Allow All

This would be help ful to you.


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