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Autoinvoice Issue

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:23 pm
by myso
Hi All
Autoinvoice does not assign invoice number in sequence with Order

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 7:20 pm
by myso
Hi Consultant
Where is replies?
it is a very important issue
if any one can help me plz

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:25 am
by jairam.apps

There is a specific formate for ERS number generation:

The level of invoice consolidation determines how an invoice will be created for each run of Pay on Receipt AutoInvoice program.

I. For invoices created based on receipt transactions, user can set up invoice consolidation levels for an individual pay site in the Supplier Sites window.

The levels are:
?Pay Site? ?? one invoice is created per supplier pay site for all the transactions that have the same transaction date.

?Packing Slip? ?? one invoice is created per packing slip per supplier pay site for all the transactions that have the same transaction date.

?Receipt? ?? one invoice is created per receipt per supplier pay site. Invoice numbers are created based on the summary level.

The invoice number is of the following format:
?ERS??< X >?< Seq# >
? ERS is the default prefix for Pay On Receipt invoices or any prefix you specify in the profile option

PO: ERS Invoice Number Prefix.

? Seq# is a unique system generated number.
? X depends on the summary level:
? if summary level = Pay Site then X = Invoice Date
? if summary level = Packing Slip then X = Packing Slip Number
? if summary level = Receipt then X = Receipt Number

II. If gapless self?billing invoice (SBI) numbering is enabled, the SBI buying company identifier and selling company identifier are included in the invoice number following the prefix.

There are two setup required for the Gapless Invoice Numbering feature.

1. Setup in the Purchasing options window for the Organization which is using Gapless invoice numbering feature.

Responsibility : Purchasing Super User
Navigation: Setup-Organization-Purchasing Options

a. Click on Control Tab
b. Enter a unique identifier for SBI Buying Company Identifier
c. Check the Gapless Invoice Numbering check box

2. Setup in the Supplier Site window

Responsibility : Payables Super User
Navigation: Suppliers-Entry

a. Enter Supplier Details
b. Enter the Supplier Site details
c. Click on the Purchasing Tab window
d. Enter a unique Identifier for Selling Company Identifier
e. Check the Gapless Invoice Numbering check box

How this Feature works
a. Enter a Purchase Order
b. Receive Against the Purchase Order
c. Run the Concurrent Program - Pay On Receipt Autoinvoice
d. Query the automatic invoice in Payables. Navigation: Invoices-Invoice

How is the invoice Number Generated
<Prefix>?<SBI Buying Company Identifier>?<Selling Company Identifier>?<Invoice Type Code>?<Seq #>

For example: ERS-VIS001-FRES001-ERS-1

Let me know if you still have any issues on the same.

soure: metalink - Note :472413.1


Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:28 pm
by myso
Thank you so much for your reply but i mean Receivables autoinvoice
not Payable autoinvoice

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:43 pm
by tgs100
Autoinvoice does not assign invoice number in sequence with Order
. Question is not clear to me.

Invoice number is created from the invoice source setup. If 'Copy document number to Invoice number' is not checked, then automatic transaction numbering will be used. Do you mean the invoice number is not continuous? or do you use the document number as invoice number?


Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:15 pm
by myso
for example
trx no 1 must be with order no 23541
trx no 2 must be with order no 23542
trx no 3 must be with order no 23543
trx no 4 must be with order no 23544
after running auto invoice master program
that result
trx no 1 must be with order no 23541
trx no 2 must be with order no 23543
trx no 3 must be with order no 23544
trx no 4 must be with order no 23542

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:11 am
by tgs100
Auto invoice will pick up all the eligible lines and then group as per the grouping rule and creates the invoice. The order of picking the interface lines will not be the sales order number and hence the invoice number may not be in the same sequence as sale order.


Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:35 am
by myso
The order of picking the interface lines will not be the sales order number
what does the order of picking interface line depend on?
hint: i am using grouping rule that consider each line in the interface as one invoice