SQL Basics - Part II

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SQL Basics - Part II

Post by Mudasir_Khan »

SELECT Statement
The SELECT statement is used to query the database and retrieve selected data that match the criteria that you specify.
The SELECT statement has five main clauses to choose from, although, FROM is the only required clause. Each of the clauses have a vast selection of options, parameters, etc. The clauses will be listed below, but each of them will be covered in more detail later in the tutorial.
Here is the format of the SELECT statement:
SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT] column1[,column2]
FROM table1[,table2]
[WHERE "conditions"]
[GROUP BY "column-list"]
[HAVING "conditions]
[ORDER BY "column-list" [ASC | DESC] ]

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
SELECT * FROM table_name
The DISTINCT clause allows you to remove duplicates from the result set. The DISTINCT clause can only be used with select statements.
The syntax for the DISTINCT clause is:
SELECT DISTINCT columns FROM tables WHERE predicates;
Example #1
Let's take a look at a very simple example.
FROM suppliers;
This SQL statement would return all unique cities from the suppliers table.
Example #2
The DISTINCT clause can be used with more than one field.
For example:
FROM suppliers;
This select statement would return each unique city and state combination. In this case, the distinct applies to each field listed after the DISTINCT keyword.
The SQL WHERE clause is used to select data conditionally, by adding it to already existing SQL SELECT query. We are going to use the Customers table from the previous chapter, to illustrate the use of the SQL WHERE command.
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name operator value
With the WHERE clause, the following operators can be used:
Operator Description
= Equal
<> Not equal
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal
<= Less than or equal
LIKE Search for a pattern
IN If you know the exact value you want to return for at least one of the columns
BETWEEN Between an inclusive range
"AND" Condition
The AND condition allows you to create an SQL statement based on 2 or more conditions being met. It can be used in any valid SQL statement - select, insert, update, or delete.
The syntax for the AND condition is:
SELECT columns
FROM tables
WHERE column1 = 'value1'
and column2 = 'value2';

The AND condition requires that each condition be must be met for the record to be included in the result set. In this case, column1 has to equal 'value1' and column2 has to equal 'value2'.
"OR" Condition
The OR condition allows you to create an SQL statement where records are returned when any one of the conditions are met. It can be used in any valid SQL statement - select, insert, update, or delete.
The syntax for the OR condition is:
SELECT columns
FROM tables
WHERE column1 = 'value1'
or column2 = 'value2';
The OR condition requires that any of the conditions be must be met for the record to be included in the result set. In this case, column1 has to equal 'value1' OR column2 has to equal 'value2'.
Combining the "AND" and "OR" Conditions
The AND and OR conditions can be combined in a single SQL statement. It can be used in any valid SQL statement - select, insert, update, or delete. When combining these conditions, it is important to use brackets so that the database knows what order to evaluate each condition.
The first example that we'll take a look at an example that combines the AND and OR conditions.
FROM suppliers
WHERE (city = 'New York' and name = 'IBM')
or (city = 'Newark');
LIKE Operator
The LIKE operator is used to search for a specified pattern in a column.
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name LIKE pattern
The LIKE condition can be used in any valid SQL statement - select, insert, update, or delete.
The patterns that you can choose from are:
% allows you to match any string of any length (including zero length)
_ allows you to match on a single character
Examples using % wildcard
The first example that we'll take a look at involves using % in the where clause of a select statement. We are going to try to find all of the suppliers whose name begins with 'Hew'.
FROM suppliers
WHERE supplier_name like 'Hew%';
You can also using the wildcard multiple times within the same string. For example,
FROM suppliers
WHERE supplier_name like '%bob%';
Examples using _ wildcard
Next, let's explain how the _ wildcard works. Remember that the _ is looking for only one character.
For example,
FROM suppliers
WHERE supplier_name like 'Sm_th';
This SQL statement would return all suppliers whose name is 5 characters long, where the first two characters is 'Sm' and the last two characters is 'th'. For example, it could return suppliers whose name is 'Smith', 'Smyth', 'Smath', 'Smeth', etc.
IN Function
The IN operator allows you to specify multiple values in a WHERE clause.
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name IN (value1,value2,...)
The following is an SQL statement that uses the IN function:
FROM suppliers
WHERE supplier_name in ( 'IBM', 'Hewlett Packard', 'Microsoft');
This would return all rows where the supplier_name is either IBM, Hewlett Packard, or Microsoft. Because the * is used in the select, all fields from the suppliers table would appear in the result set.
It is equivalent to the following statement:
FROM suppliers
WHERE supplier_name = 'IBM'
OR supplier_name = 'Hewlett Packard'
OR supplier_name = 'Microsoft';
As you can see, using the IN function makes the statement easier to read and more efficient.
The BETWEEN condition allows you to retrieve values within a range.
The syntax for the BETWEEN condition is:
SELECT columns
FROM tables
WHERE column1 between value1 and value2;

This SQL statement will return the records where column1 is within the range of value1 and value2 (inclusive). The BETWEEN function can be used in any valid SQL statement - select, insert, update, or delete.
The following is an SQL statement that uses the BETWEEN function:
FROM suppliers
WHERE supplier_id between 5000 AND 5010;
This would return all rows where the supplier_id is between 5000 and 5010, inclusive. It is equivalent to the following SQL statement:
FROM suppliers
WHERE supplier_id >= 5000
AND supplier_id <= 5010;
EXISTS Condition
The EXISTS condition is considered "to be met" if the subquery returns at least one row.
The syntax for the EXISTS condition is:
SELECT columns
FROM tables
WHERE EXISTS ( subquery );

The EXISTS condition can be used in any valid SQL statement - select, insert, update, or delete.
Let's take a look at a simple example. The following is an SQL statement that uses the EXISTS condition:
FROM suppliers
WHERE EXISTS (select * from orders where suppliers.supplier_id = orders.supplier_id);
This select statement will return all records from the suppliers table where there is at least one record in the orders table with the same supplier_id.
Example 2: NOT EXISTS
The EXISTS condition can also be combined with the NOT operator.
For example,
SELECT * FROM suppliers WHERE not exists (select * from orders Where suppliers.supplier_id = orders.supplier_id);
This will return all records from the suppliers table where there are no records in the orders table for the given supplier_id.
Example 3: DELETE Statement
The following is an example of a delete statement that utilizes the EXISTS condition:
DELETE FROM suppliers WHERE EXISTS (select * from orders where suppliers.supplier_id = orders.supplier_id);
Group functions allow you to perform data operations on several values in a column of data as though the column were one collective group of data. These functions are also called group-by functions because they are often used in a special clause of select statements, called the group by clause.
The syntax for the GROUP BY clause is:
SELECT column1, column2, ... column_n, aggregate_function (expression)
FROM tables
WHERE predicates
GROUP BY column1, column2, ... column_n;
aggregate_function can be a function such as SUM, COUNT, MIN, or MAX.
Here's a list of the available group functions:
? avg(x) Averages all x column values returned by the select statement
? count(x) Counts the number of non-NULL values returned by the select statement for column x
? max(x) Determines the maximum value in column x for all rows returned by the select statement
? min(x) Determines the minimum value in column x for all rows returned by the select statement
? stddev(x) Calculates the standard deviation for all values in column x in all rows returned by the select statement
? sum(x) Calculates the sum of all values in column x in all rows returned by the select statement
? Variance(x) Calculates the variance for all values in column x in all rows returned by the select statement
Example using the SUM function
For example, you could also use the SUM function to return the name of the department and the total sales (in the associated department).
SELECT department, SUM(sales) as "Total sales"
FROM order_details
GROUP BY department;
Because you have listed one column in your SELECT statement that is not encapsulated in the SUM function, you must use a GROUP BY clause. The department field must, therefore, be listed in the GROUP BY section.
Example using the COUNT function
For example, you could use the COUNT function to return the name of the department and the number of employees (in the associated department) that make over $25,000 / year.
SELECT department, COUNT(*) as "Number of employees"
FROM employees
WHERE salary > 25000
GROUP BY department;
This group by operation is used to produce subtotals at any level of aggregation needed. These subtotals then "roll up" into a grand total, according to items listed in the group by expression. The totaling is based on a one-dimensional data hierarchy of grouped information. For example, let's say we wanted to get a payroll breakdown for our company by department and job position. The following code block would give us that information:
SQL> select deptno, job, sum(sal) as salary
2 from emp
3 group by rollup(deptno, job);
--------- --------- ---------
10 CLERK 1300
10 MANAGER 2450
10 8750
20 ANALYST 6000
20 CLERK 1900
20 MANAGER 2975
20 10875
30 CLERK 950
30 MANAGER 2850
30 SALESMAN 5600
30 9400
Notice that NULL values in the output of rollup operations typically mean that the row contains subtotal or grand total information. If you want, you can use the nvl( ) function to substitute a more meaningful value.
cube This is an extension, similar to rollup. The difference is that cube allows you to take a specified set of grouping columns and create subtotals for all possible combinations of them. The cube operation calculates all levels of subtotals on horizontal lines across spreadsheets of output and creates cross-tab summaries on multiple vertical columns in those spreadsheets. The result is a summary that shows subtotals for every combination of columns or expressions in the group by clause, which is also known as n-dimensional cross-tabulation. In the following example, notice how cube not only gives us the payroll breakdown of our company by DEPTNO and JOB, but it also gives us the breakdown of payroll by JOB across all departments:
SQL> select deptno, job, sum(sal) as salary
2 from emp
3 group by cube(deptno, job);
--------- --------- ---------
10 CLERK 1300
10 MANAGER 2450
10 8750
20 ANALYST 6000
20 CLERK 1900
20 MANAGER 2975
20 10875
30 CLERK 950
30 MANAGER 2850
30 SALESMAN 5600
30 9400
CLERK 4150
Excluding group Data with having
Once the data is grouped using the group by statement, it is sometimes useful to weed out unwanted data. For example, let's say we want to list the average salary paid to employees in our company, broken down by department and job title. However, for this query, we only care about departments and job titles where the average salary is over $2000. In effect, we want to put a where clause on the group by clause to limit the results we see to departments and job titles where the average salary equals $2001 or higher. This effect can be achieved with the use of a special clause called the having clause, which is associated with group by statements. Take a look at an example of this clause:
SQL> select deptno, job, avg(sal)
2 from emp
3 group by deptno, job
4 having avg(sal) > 2000;
--------- --------- ---------
10 MANAGER 2450
20 ANALYST 3000
20 MANAGER 2975
30 MANAGER 2850
Consider the output of this query for a moment. First, Oracle computes the average for every department and job title in the entire company. Then, the having clause eliminates departments and titles whose constituent employees' average salary is $2000 or less. This selectivity cannot easily be accomplished with an ordinary where clause, because the where clause selects individual rows, whereas this example requires that groups of rows be selected. In this query, you successfully limit output on the group by rows by using the having clause.
HAVING clause
The SQL HAVING clause is used to restrict conditionally the output of a SQL statement, by a SQL aggregate function used in your SELECT list of columns.
SELECT column1, column2, ... column_n, aggregate_function (expression)
FROM tables
WHERE predicates
GROUP BY column1, column2, ... column_n
HAVING condition1 ... condition_n;
You can't specify criteria in a SQL WHERE clause against a column in the SELECT list for which SQL aggregate function is used. For example the following SQL statement will generate an error:
SELECT Employee, SUM (Hours)
FROM EmployeeHours
WHERE SUM (Hours) > 24
GROUP BY Employee
The SQL HAVING clause is used to do exactly this, to specify a condition for an aggregate function which is used in your query:
SELECT Employee, SUM (Hours)
FROM EmployeeHours
GROUP BY Employee
HAVING SUM (Hours) > 24
So far, we have seen how to get data out of a table using SELECT and WHERE commands. Often, however, we need to list the output in a particular order. This could be in ascending order, in descending order, or could be based on either numerical value or text value. In such cases, we can use the ORDER BY keyword to achieve our goal.
The syntax for an ORDER BY statement is as follows:

SELECT "column_name"
FROM "table_name"
[WHERE "condition"]
ORDER BY "column_name" [ASC, DESC]
The [] means that the WHERE statement is optional. However, if a WHERE clause exists, it comes before the ORDER BY clause. ASC means that the results will be shown in ascending order, and DESC means that the results will be shown in descending order. If neither is specified, the default is ASC.
It is possible to order by more than one column. In this case, the ORDER BY clause above becomes ORDER BY "column_name1" [ASC, DESC], "column_name2" [ASC, DESC]
Posts: 3
Joined: Sun May 03, 2009 11:13 am
Location: United Arab Emirates

Post by Mudasir_Khan »

<font color="navy"><font face="Arial"><font size="5"><b>SELECT Statement</b></font id="size5">
The SELECT statement is used to query the database and retrieve selected data that match the criteria that you specify.
The SELECT statement has five main clauses to choose from, although, FROM is the only required clause. Each of the clauses have a vast selection of options, parameters, etc. The clauses will be listed below, but each of them will be covered in more detail later in the tutorial.
Here is the format of the SELECT statement:
SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT] column1[,column2]
FROM table1[,table2]
[WHERE "conditions"]
[GROUP BY "column-list"]
[HAVING "conditions]
[ORDER BY "column-list" [ASC | DESC] ]

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
SELECT * FROM table_name

<font size="4"><b>DISTINCT Clause</b></font id="size4">
The DISTINCT clause allows you to remove duplicates from the result set. The DISTINCT clause can only be used with select statements.
The syntax for the DISTINCT clause is:
SELECT DISTINCT columns FROM tables WHERE predicates;
<font size="3"><b>Example #1</b></font id="size3">
Let's take a look at a very simple example.
FROM suppliers;
This SQL statement would return all unique cities from the suppliers table.
<font size="3"><b>Example #2</b></font id="size3">
The DISTINCT clause can be used with more than one field.
For example:
FROM suppliers;
This select statement would return each unique city and state combination. In this case, the distinct applies to each field listed after the DISTINCT keyword.</font id="Arial"></font id="navy">

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<font color="navy"><font face="Arial"><b><font size="5">SQL WHERE</font id="size5"></b>
The SQL WHERE clause is used to select data conditionally, by adding it to already existing SQL SELECT query. We are going to use the Customers table from the previous chapter, to illustrate the use of the SQL WHERE command.

<font size="4"><b>Syntax </b> </font id="size4">
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name operator value
With the WHERE clause, the following operators can be used:
Operator Description
= Equal
<> Not equal
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal
<= Less than or equal
LIKE Search for a pattern
IN If you know the exact value you want to return for at least
one of the columns
BETWEEN Between an inclusive range

<font size="4"><b>"AND" Condition</b></font id="size4">
The AND condition allows you to create an SQL statement based on 2 or more conditions being met. It can be used in any valid SQL statement - select, insert, update, or delete.
The syntax for the AND condition is:
SELECT columns
FROM tables
WHERE column1 = 'value1'
and column2 = 'value2';

The AND condition requires that each condition be must be met for the record to be included in the result set. In this case, column1 has to equal 'value1' and column2 has to equal 'value2'.

<font size="4"><b>"OR" Condition</b></font id="size4">
The OR condition allows you to create an SQL statement where records are returned when any one of the conditions are met. It can be used in any valid SQL statement - select, insert, update, or delete.
The syntax for the OR condition is:
SELECT columns
FROM tables
WHERE column1 = 'value1'
or column2 = 'value2';
The OR condition requires that any of the conditions be must be met for the record to be included in the result set. In this case, column1 has to equal 'value1' OR column2 has to equal 'value2'.

<font size="4"><b>Combining the "AND" and "OR" Conditions</b></font id="size4">
The AND and OR conditions can be combined in a single SQL statement. It can be used in any valid SQL statement - select, insert, update, or delete. When combining these conditions, it is important to use brackets so that the database knows what order to evaluate each condition.
<font size="3"><b>Example</b></font id="size3">
The first example that we'll take a look at an example that combines the AND and OR conditions.
FROM suppliers
WHERE (city = 'New York' and name = 'IBM')
or (city = 'Newark');

<font size="4"><b>LIKE Operator</b></font id="size4">
The LIKE operator is used to search for a specified pattern in a column.
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name LIKE pattern
The LIKE condition can be used in any valid SQL statement - select, insert, update, or delete.
The patterns that you can choose from are:
% allows you to match any string of any length (including zero length)
_ allows you to match on a single character

<font size="3"><b>Examples using % wildcard</b></font id="size3">
The first example that we'll take a look at involves using % in the where clause of a select statement. We are going to try to find all of the suppliers whose name begins with 'Hew'.
FROM suppliers
WHERE supplier_name like 'Hew%';
You can also using the wildcard multiple times within the same string. For example,
FROM suppliers
WHERE supplier_name like '%bob%';

<font size="3"><b>Examples using _ wildcard</b></font id="size3">
Next, let's explain how the _ wildcard works. Remember that the _ is looking for only one character.
For example,
FROM suppliers
WHERE supplier_name like 'Sm_th';
This SQL statement would return all suppliers whose name is 5 characters long, where the first two characters is 'Sm' and the last two characters is 'th'. For example, it could return suppliers whose name is 'Smith', 'Smyth', 'Smath', 'Smeth', etc.

<font size="4"><b>IN Function</b></font id="size4">
The IN operator allows you to specify multiple values in a WHERE clause.
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name IN (value1,value2,...)
The following is an SQL statement that uses the IN function:
FROM suppliers
WHERE supplier_name in ( 'IBM', 'Hewlett Packard', 'Microsoft');
This would return all rows where the supplier_name is either IBM, Hewlett Packard, or Microsoft. Because the * is used in the select, all fields from the suppliers table would appear in the result set.
It is equivalent to the following statement:
FROM suppliers
WHERE supplier_name = 'IBM'
OR supplier_name = 'Hewlett Packard'
OR supplier_name = 'Microsoft';
As you can see, using the IN function makes the statement easier to read and more efficient.

<font size="4"><b>BETWEEN</b></font id="size4">
The BETWEEN condition allows you to retrieve values within a range.
The syntax for the BETWEEN condition is:
SELECT columns
FROM tables
WHERE column1 between value1 and value2;

This SQL statement will return the records where column1 is within the range of value1 and value2 (inclusive). The BETWEEN function can be used in any valid SQL statement - select, insert, update, or delete.
The following is an SQL statement that uses the BETWEEN function:
FROM suppliers
WHERE supplier_id between 5000 AND 5010;
This would return all rows where the supplier_id is between 5000 and 5010, inclusive. It is equivalent to the following SQL statement:
FROM suppliers
WHERE supplier_id >= 5000
AND supplier_id <= 5010;

<font size="4"><b>EXISTS Condition</b></font id="size4">
The EXISTS condition is considered "to be met" if the subquery returns at least one row.
The syntax for the EXISTS condition is:
SELECT columns
FROM tables
WHERE EXISTS ( subquery );

The EXISTS condition can be used in any valid SQL statement - select, insert, update, or delete.
<font size="3"><b>Example1:</b></font id="size3">
Let's take a look at a simple example. The following is an SQL statement that uses the EXISTS condition:
FROM suppliers
WHERE EXISTS (select * from orders where suppliers.supplier_id = orders.supplier_id);
This select statement will return all records from the suppliers table where there is at least one record in the orders table with the same supplier_id.

<font size="3"><b>Example 2: NOT EXISTS</b></font id="size3">
The EXISTS condition can also be combined with the NOT operator.
For example,
SELECT * FROM suppliers WHERE not exists (select * from orders Where suppliers.supplier_id = orders.supplier_id);
This will return all records from the suppliers table where there are no records in the orders table for the given supplier_id.

<font size="3"><b>Example 3: DELETE Statement</b></font id="size3">
The following is an example of a delete statement that utilizes the EXISTS condition:
DELETE FROM suppliers WHERE EXISTS (select * from orders where suppliers.supplier_id = orders.supplier_id);</font id="Arial"></font id="navy">

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<font color="navy"><font face="Arial"><font size="5"><b>GROUP BY</b></font id="size5">
Group functions allow you to perform data operations on several values in a column of data as though the column were one collective group of data. These functions are also called group-by functions because they are often used in a special clause of select statements, called the group by clause.
The syntax for the GROUP BY clause is:
SELECT column1, column2, ... column_n, aggregate_function
FROM tables
WHERE predicates
GROUP BY column1, column2, ... column_n;
aggregate_function can be a function such as SUM, COUNT, MIN, or MAX.
Here's a list of the available group functions:
<ul><li> count(x) Counts the number of non-NULL values returned by the select statement for column x </li>
<li> max(x) Determines the maximum value in column x for all rows returned by the select statement </li>
<li> stddev(x) Calculates the standard deviation for all values in column x in all rows returned by the select statement </li>
<li> sum(x) Calculates the sum of all values in column x in all rows returned by the select statement </li>
<li> Variance(x) Calculates the variance for all values in column x in all rows returned by the select statement </li></ul>

<font size="3"><b>Example using the SUM function</b></font id="size3">
For example, you could also use the SUM function to return the name of the department and the total sales (in the associated department).
SELECT department, SUM(sales) as "Total sales"
FROM order_details
GROUP BY department;
Because you have listed one column in your SELECT statement that is not encapsulated in the SUM function, you must use a GROUP BY clause. The department field must, therefore, be listed in the GROUP BY section.

<font size="3"><b>Example using the COUNT function</b></font id="size3">
For example, you could use the COUNT function to return the name of the department and the number of employees (in the associated department) that make over $25,000 / year.
SELECT department, COUNT(*) as "Number of employees"
FROM employees
WHERE salary > 25000
GROUP BY department;

<font size="4"><b>ROLLUP</b></font id="size4">
This group by operation is used to produce subtotals at any level of aggregation needed. These subtotals then "roll up" into a grand total, according to items listed in the group by expression. The totaling is based on a one-dimensional data hierarchy of grouped information. For example, let's say we wanted to get a payroll breakdown for our company by department and job position. The following code block would give us that information:
SQL> select deptno, job, sum(sal) as salary
2 from emp
3 group by rollup(deptno, job);
--------- --------- ---------
10 CLERK 1300
10 MANAGER 2450
10 8750
20 ANALYST 6000
20 CLERK 1900
20 MANAGER 2975
20 10875
30 CLERK 950
30 MANAGER 2850
30 SALESMAN 5600
30 9400
Notice that NULL values in the output of rollup operations typically mean that the row contains subtotal or grand total information. If you want, you can use the nvl( ) function to substitute a more meaningful value.

<font size="4"><b>cube</b></font id="size4">
cube This is an extension, similar to rollup. The difference is that cube allows you to take a specified set of grouping columns and create subtotals for all possible combinations of them. The cube operation calculates all levels of subtotals on horizontal lines across spreadsheets of output and creates cross-tab summaries on multiple vertical columns in those spreadsheets. The result is a summary that shows subtotals for every combination of columns or expressions in the group by clause, which is also known as n-dimensional cross-tabulation. In the following example, notice how cube not only gives us the payroll breakdown of our company by DEPTNO and JOB, but it also gives us the breakdown of payroll by JOB across all departments:
SQL> select deptno, job, sum(sal) as salary
2 from emp
3 group by cube(deptno, job);
--------- --------- ---------
10 CLERK 1300
10 MANAGER 2450
10 8750
20 ANALYST 6000
20 CLERK 1900
20 MANAGER 2975
20 10875
30 CLERK 950
30 MANAGER 2850
30 SALESMAN 5600
30 9400
CLERK 4150

<font size="4"><b>Excluding group Data with having</b></font id="size4">
Once the data is grouped using the group by statement, it is sometimes useful to weed out unwanted data. For example, let's say we want to list the average salary paid to employees in our company, broken down by department and job title. However, for this query, we only care about departments and job titles where the average salary is over $2000. In effect, we want to put a where clause on the group by clause to limit the results we see to departments and job titles where the average salary equals $2001 or higher. This effect can be achieved with the use of a special clause called the having clause, which is associated with group by statements. Take a look at an example of this clause:
SQL> select deptno, job, avg(sal)
2 from emp
3 group by deptno, job
4 having avg(sal) > 2000;
--------- --------- ---------
10 MANAGER 2450
20 ANALYST 3000
20 MANAGER 2975
30 MANAGER 2850
Consider the output of this query for a moment. First, Oracle computes the average for every department and job title in the entire company. Then, the having clause eliminates departments and titles whose constituent employees' average salary is $2000 or less. This selectivity cannot easily be accomplished with an ordinary where clause, because the where clause selects individual rows, whereas this example requires that groups of rows be selected. In this query, you successfully limit output on the group by rows by using the having clause.</font id="Arial"></font id="navy">

<hr noshade size="1">

<font color="navy"><font face="Arial"><font size="5"><b>HAVING clause</b></font id="size5">
The SQL HAVING clause is used to restrict conditionally the output of a SQL statement, by a SQL aggregate function used in your SELECT list of columns.
SELECT column1, column2, ... column_n, aggregate_function (expression)
FROM tables
WHERE predicates
GROUP BY column1, column2, ... column_n
HAVING condition1 ... condition_n;
You can't specify criteria in a SQL WHERE clause against a column in the SELECT list for which SQL aggregate function is used. For example the following SQL statement will generate an error:
SELECT Employee, SUM (Hours)
FROM EmployeeHours
WHERE SUM (Hours) > 24
GROUP BY Employee
The SQL HAVING clause is used to do exactly this, to specify a condition for an aggregate function which is used in your query:
SELECT Employee, SUM (Hours)
FROM EmployeeHours
GROUP BY Employee
HAVING SUM (Hours) > 24</font id="Arial"></font id="navy">

<hr noshade size="1">

<font color="navy"><font face="Arial"><font size="5"><b>ORDER BY</b></font id="size5">
So far, we have seen how to get data out of a table using SELECT and WHERE commands. Often, however, we need to list the output in a particular order. This could be in ascending order, in descending order, or could be based on either numerical value or text value. In such cases, we can use the ORDER BY keyword to achieve our goal.
The syntax for an ORDER BY statement is as follows:

SELECT "column_name"
FROM "table_name"
[WHERE "condition"]
ORDER BY "column_name" [ASC, DESC]
The [] means that the WHERE statement is optional. However, if a WHERE clause exists, it comes before the ORDER BY clause. ASC means that the results will be shown in ascending order, and DESC means that the results will be shown in descending order. If neither is specified, the default is ASC.
It is possible to order by more than one column. In this case, the ORDER BY clause above becomes ORDER BY "column_name1" [ASC, DESC], "column_name2" [ASC, DESC]</font id="Arial"></font id="navy">
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