Predefined Database Service Names for Autonomous Data Warehouse
The tnsnames.ora file provided with the credentials zip file contains three database service names identifiable as high, medium, and low. The predefined service names provide different levels of performance and concurrency for Autonomous Data Warehouse.
high: The High database service provides the highest level of resources to each SQL statement resulting in the highest performance, but supports the fewest number of concurrent SQL statements. Any SQL statement in this service can use all the CPU and IO resources in your database. The number of concurrent SQL statements that can be run in this service is 3, this number is independent of the number of CPUs in your database.
medium: The Medium database service provides a lower level of resources to each SQL statement potentially resulting in a lower level of performance, but supports more concurrent SQL statements. Any SQL statement in this service can use multiple CPU and IO resources in your database. The number of concurrent SQL statements that can be run in this service depends on the number of CPUs in your database and scales linearly with the number of CPUs.
low: The Low database service provides the least level of resources to each SQL statement, but supports the most number of concurrent SQL statements. Any SQL statement in this service can use a single CPU and multiple IO resources in your database. The number of concurrent SQL statements that can be run in this service can be up to 100 times the number of CPUs.
Sessions in these services may get disconnected if they stay idle for more than five (5) minutes and other users' sessions require the resources consumed by the idle session. This allows resources to be freed for other active users in your database.
The following details show sample values for a database with 16 OCPUs.
Database Service Name Number of Concurrent Queries
high 3
medium 20
low Up to 100 times the number of CPUs
Choose whichever database service offers the best balance of performance and concurrency. ... AC650F15BE
Autonomous DB Service Name High,Medium,Low
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