Expence Reoprt ProblemR12.0.6

This forum is to discuss different features/issues of Oracle Financials modules ( GL - General Ledger, AP - Accounts Payable, AR - Accounts Receivable, FA - Fixed Assets & CM - Cash Management ).
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Expence Reoprt ProblemR12.0.6

Post by tirumal »

Hi All,

Iam Working On Employee expence Report i did all the setups.Iran the report. i could not find any errors on logfile. Please i required some mail ids for sending the logfile.

Help me out on this issue.


I Did all These Setups as well

1. Complete Payable Options Setup
In the expense report template tab, check 'Automatically Create Employee as Supplier'
2. Set the payment method defaulting rules
Payments --> Payments Administrator --> Payments methods
Set the default payment methods
3. Create expense report template
4. Create employee in HRMS
Office details Tab - Select 'Mail To' field value as 'Office' or 'Home'. This will be the supplier site
5. Enter the expense report.
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Location: India

Post by anjan123 »

Hi Tirumal,

Please follow the metalink note"557185.1" setups to find proper solution

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Post by tgs100 »

Did you run the expense report with debug parameter as 'Yes'?

Saravanan TG
Posts: 43
Joined: Tue Dec 25, 2007 7:24 am
Location: India

Post by tirumal »

Hi All,

This Is The Debug File Please Give me Answer By Reading this File .....

Payables: Version : 12.0.0

Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

APXEXPER module: Expense Report Export

Current system time is 27-AUG-2009 15:46:23


**Starts**27-AUG-2009 15:46:23
**Ends**27-AUG-2009 15:46:23
Start of log messages from FND_FILE
p_batch_name =
Get Batch Name if not unique
Batch Name =
Begin Receipts Management - Holds
Process Hold Each Scenario
Determine whether to place Holds
Process Hold All Scenario
Determine whether to place Holds
Process Hold BothPay Scenario
Determine whether to place Holds
Process Obsolete Holds
Obsolete Holds
Obsolete Both Pay Holds
End Receipts Management - Holds
Begin Processing Individual expense reports
Fetching expense report...
End UpdateDistsWithReceiptInfo
Expense Report Number : **100**
Get the system parameters
Validate/Set the doc sequence
Set the GL Date
Checking GL Period status for the set Invoice GL Date: 05-APR-09
Validate GL Date with params p_source_date 05-APR-09 , p_valid_inv_gl_date ,p_source_item Invoice
Invoice GL Period status: O
Invoice GL Date is in Valid Period
Final Invoice GL Date: 05-APR-09
Checking GL Period status for the set Prepayment GL Date:
Final Prepayment GL Date:
Set the Exchange Rate
Set the Base Amount
Set the Address flag
Set the Invoice Type
Call procedure to query and validate expense lines
Get/validate the vendor_id and vendor_site_id
Get Vendor Info
>p_vendor_rec.vendor_id := 6
>p_vendor_rec.vendor_site_id := -1
>p_vendor_rec.home_or_office := H
>p_vendor_rec.employee_id := 66
>p_vendor_rec.vendor_name := VL Emp,
>p_vendor_rec.org_id := 83
>p_vendor_rec.address_line_1 :=
>p_vendor_rec.address_line_2 :=
>p_vendor_rec.address_line_3 :=
>p_vendor_rec.city :=
>p_vendor_rec.state :=
>p_vendor_rec.postal_code :=
>p_vendor_rec.province :=
>p_vendor_rec.county :=
>p_vendor_rec.country :=
>p_vendor_rec.style :=
>p_vendor_rec.pay_group :=
>p_vendor_rec.terms_date_basis :=
>p_vendor_rec.liab_acc :=
>p_vendor_rec.terms_id :=
>p_vendor_rec.payment_priority :=
>p_vendor_rec.prepay_ccid :=
>p_vendor_rec.always_take_disc_flag :=
>p_vendor_rec.pay_date_basis :=
>p_vendor_rec.vendor_num :=
>p_vendor_rec.allow_awt_flag :=
>p_vendor_rec.party_id :=
Get Vendor Info when vendor id is known
Get Vendor Site Info for Employee when vendor site id is not known
Vendor Site ID got is 6
Update Vendor Site
>p_vendor_site_rec.vendor_id := 6
>p_vendor_site_rec.org_id := 83
>p_vendor_site_rec.org_name :=
>p_vendor_site_rec.vendor_site_code := HOME
>p_vendor_site_rec.pay_site_flag := Y
>p_vendor_site_rec.address_line1 :=
>p_vendor_site_rec.address_line2 :=
>p_vendor_site_rec.address_line3 :=
>p_vendor_site_rec.city :=
>p_vendor_site_rec.state :=
>p_vendor_site_rec.zip :=
>p_vendor_site_rec.province :=
>p_vendor_site_rec.county :=
>p_vendor_site_rec.country :=
>p_vendor_site_rec.address_style :=
>p_vendor_rec.vendor_id := 6
>p_vendor_rec.vendor_site_id := 6
>p_vendor_rec.home_or_office := H
>p_vendor_rec.employee_id := 66
>p_vendor_rec.vendor_name := VL Emp
>p_vendor_rec.org_id := 83
>p_vendor_rec.address_line_1 :=
>p_vendor_rec.address_line_2 :=
>p_vendor_rec.address_line_3 :=
>p_vendor_rec.city :=
>p_vendor_rec.state :=
>p_vendor_rec.postal_code :=
>p_vendor_rec.province :=
>p_vendor_rec.county :=
>p_vendor_rec.country :=
>p_vendor_rec.style :=
>p_vendor_rec.pay_group :=
>p_vendor_rec.terms_date_basis := Invoice
>p_vendor_rec.liab_acc := 1009
>p_vendor_rec.terms_id := -1
>p_vendor_rec.payment_priority := 99
>p_vendor_rec.prepay_ccid := -1
>p_vendor_rec.always_take_disc_flag := N
>p_vendor_rec.pay_date_basis := DISCOUNT
>p_vendor_rec.vendor_num := 6
>p_vendor_rec.allow_awt_flag := N
>p_vendor_rec.party_id := 2088
Get the Payment Scenario
Check if the employee is contingent worker
Employee is not contingent worker, checking if it is active or not
Active Employee = Y
Check the Default Payment Method
Get the Default Payment Method
Getting the legal entity id
Calling iby_disbursement_comp_pub.get_default_payment_attributes
l_invoice_rec.payment_method_code :=
Check for apply advance default flag := N
Insert into AP Invoices Interface table
Insert into Invoice Lines Interface, p_invoice_id 1004, p_report_header_id 10000, p_transfer_flag Y, p_enable_recoverable_flag
Done Insert into Invoice Lines Interface
Update request_id
Fetching expense report...
Credit Card Expenses Fetched = 0
Credit Card Invoices Created = 0
Call Payables Open Interface
(Import_invoice 0.1) Calling Caching Function for Org Id/Name
Cache_Org_Id_Name <- Import_invoices<- Expense Report Export
Caching Org_id , Name from MO: Security Profile
Caching Org_id from Financials Systems
(Import_Invoices 0.2) Calling Caching Function for Currency
Cache_Fnd_Currency <- Import_invoices<- Expense Report Export
Caching Currency from Fnd Currency
(Import_Invoices 0.3) Calling Caching Function for Payment Method
Cache_Payment_Method <- Import_invoices<- Expense Report Export
Caching Payment Method from IBY
(Import_Invoices 0.4) Calling Caching Function for Payment Group
Cache_Pay_group <- Import_invoices<- Expense Report Export
Caching Pay Group from PO Lookup Codes
(Import_Invoices 0.5) Caching Structure Id
(Import_invoice 1) Check control table for the import batch
(Import_invoice 2) Print Source
(Import Invoice 3) Delete Rejections from previous failed imports
(Check_lines 3a) Select all the Rejected Invoices
(Check_lines 3b) Delete invoices from ap_interface_rejections
(Check_lines 3c) Update requestid on the Selected Invoices
(Import Invoice 4) Update the org_id
(Import_Invoices 4a) Updating Interface WHERE org_id is null but operating unit
is not null
(Import_Invoices 4b) Getting Deafult Operating Unit Information
(Import Invoices 5) Get The Total Number of Invoices In Interface
(Import_invoice 5.5) Unwinding Caching Org Id/Name
Index Value: 83, MOAC Cached Org_Id: 83, MOAC Cached Operating Unit: Vaghasia Ra
jkot OU
Index Value: 83, FSP Cached Org_Id: 83
(Import_invoice 6) Open import_invoices cursor
(Import_invoice 7) FETCH import_invoices
------------------> invoice_id = 1004 invoice_num = 100 invoice_type_lookup_cod
e = EXPENSE REPORT invoice_date = 05-APR-09 po_number = vendor_id = 6 vendo
r_num = vendor_name = vendor_site_id = 6 vendor_site_code = party_id =
2088 party_site_id = pay_proc_trxn_type_code = payment_function = invoice_am
ount = 10000 base_currency_code = invoice_currency_code = INR payment_currency
_code = INR exchange_rate = exchange_rate_type = exchange_date = terms_id
= -1 terms_name = description = awt_group_id = awt_group_name = last_up
date_date = 27-AUG-09 last_updated_by = 1092 last_update_login = creation_da
te = 27-AUG-09 attribute_category = attribute1 = attribute2 = attribute3 =
attribute4 = attribute5 = attribute6 = attribute7 = attribute8 = attribute9
= attribute10 = attribute11 = attribute12 = attribute13 = attribute14 = a
ttribute15 = global_attribute_category = global_attribute1 = global_attribute
2 = global_attribute3 = global_attribute4 = global_attribute5 = global_attri
bute6 = global_attribute7 = global_attribute8 = global_attribute9 = global_a
ttribute10 = global_attribute11 = global_attribute12 = global_attribute13 =
global_attribute14 = global_attribute15 = global_attribute16 = global_attribu
te17 = global_attribute18 = global_attribute19 = global_attribute20 = doc_ca
tegory_code = voucher_num = payment_method_code = pay_group_lookup_code =
goods_received_date = invoice_received_date = exclusive_payment_flag = prepay
_num = prepay_line_num = prepay_apply_amount = prepay_gl_date = set_of_books
_id = legal_entity_id = tax_only_flag = N tax_only_rcv_matched_flag = N
(Import Invoices 8) Checking for Inconsistent OU
(Import Invoice 9a) Setting the org Context
(Import_invoice 9b) Call get_info to get required info
(Get_info 1) Read from ap_system_parameters
(Get_info 2) Get Batch Control Profile Option
(Get_info 3) Get encumbrance option
(Get_info 4) Get minimum_accountable_unit
(Get_info 5) Get p_sequence_numbering
(Get_info 6) Get gl_date based on report parameters
(Get_info 7) Check if PA is installed
------------------> l_status = I l_industry = C p_pa_installed = Y
(Get_info 8) Get chart_of_accounts_id from p_set_of_books_id
(Get_info 9) Get Asset Book Type Code
(Get_info 9) Get system tolerances
------------------> p_org_id = 83 p_set_of_books_id = 2022 l_multi_currency_fla
g = N l_make_rate_mANDatory_flag = l_default_exchange_rate_type = l_base_cu
rrency_code = INR l_batch_control_flag = N l_payment_cross_rate = 1 l_base_mi
n_acct_unit = l_base_precision = 2 l_sequence_numbering = l_awt_include_tax
_amt = N l_gl_date_from_get_info = 05-APR-09 l_gl_date_from_receipt_flag = I l_
purch_encumbrance_flag = N l_chart_of_accounts_id = 50308 l_pa_installed = Y l
_positive_price_tolerance = l_negative_price_tolerance = l_qty_tolerance =
l_max_qty_ord_tolerance = l_inv_doc_cat_override = N l_allow_interest_invoices
= N
(Import Invoice 10a) Default GL Date From Invoice
(Import_invoice 11) Validate invoice
SOBID is :
(Check Invoice Validation 0) Initialize invoice_date if null
(Check Invoice Validation 1) Check for Invalid and Inactive PO
(Check Invoice Validation 2) Check for Invalid Legal Entity
(Check Invoice Validation 2) Check for Invalid Supplier
(Check Invalid Supplier 2) Validate vendor id.
(Check Invalid Supplier 7) Save Supplier id for further processing.
(Check Invoice Validation 2) Validated Supplier
l_temp_invoice_status = Y l_vendor_id
= 6
(Check Invoice Validation 3) Check for Invalid Supplier Site, if Supplier is val
(Check Invoice Validation 3.2) Supplier Site is per EDI
(Check Invalid Site 1) Check Supplier Site
(Check Invalid Site 3) Get Supplier Site details from p_invoice_rec.vendor_site_
(Check Invalid Site 6) Check Supplier Site for given vendor
------------------> l_valid_vendor = X
(Check Invoice Validation 3) Validated Supplier Site
l_temp_invoice_status = Y l_vendor_site_i
d = 6 l_party_site_id =
(Check Invoice Validation 3.5) Validated party and vendor info l_temp_invoice_st
atus = Y
(Get_tolerance_info 1) Get tolerance info...
(get_tolerance_info 1) NO_DATA_FOUND exception
(get_tolerance_info 2) NO_DATA_FOUND exception
------------------> p_vendor_site_id = 6 l_price_tolerance = l_positive_price_
tolerance = l_negative_price_tolerance = l_qty_tolerance = l_qty_received_
tolerance = l_max_qty_ord_tolerance = l_max_qty_rec_tolerance = l_amt_tole
rance = l_amt_received_tolerance = l_max_amt_ord_tolerance = l_max_amt_rec
_tolerance = l_goods_ship_amt_tolerance = l_goods_rate_amttolerance = l_go
ods_total_amt_tolerance = l_services_ship_amt_tolerance = l_services_rate_am
ttolerance = l_services_total_amt_tolerance =
(Check Invoice Validation 4) Check for Invalid Invoice Number ,if Supplier Site
is valid
------------------> l_invoice_num =
(Check Invoice Number 2) Check for Invalid Invoice Number.
(Check Invoice Number 3) Check for Duplicate Invoice Number.
------------------> l_temp_invoice_status = Y
(Check Invoice Validation 5) Check for Currency Code ,if Invoice No. is valid
(Check Invoice Currency Code 2) Get precision, mau for Invoice Currency Code.
l_valid_inv_currency: INR
--------------> l_temp_invoice_status = Y l_inv_currency_code = INR
(Check Invoice Validation 6) Check for Invoice Lookup Code and Amount ,if Invoic
e No. is valid
(Check Invoice Type and Amount 1) Check for Invalid Invoice type lookup code.
(Check Invoice Type and Amount 2) Check for Null Invoice amount.
(Check Invoice Type and Amount 3) Check for Invalid Invoice amount.
(Check Invoice Type and Amount 4) Check for Invoice amount to match sum of invoi
ce line amounts.
(Check Invoice Type and Amount 6) Determine Match Mode.
l_temp_invoice_status = Y p_match_mode =
(Check Invoice Validation 7) Check for AWT Group ,if Invoice No. is valid
(Check AWT Group 2) Check for Inactive AWT Group
l_temp_invoice_status = Y
(Check Invoice Validation 8) Check for Exchange Rate Type ,if Invoice No. is val
l_temp_invoice_status = Y
(Check Invoice Validation 9) Check for Terms Info ,if Invoice No. is valid
(Check Invalid Terms 1) Check for invalid Terms.
(Check Invalid Terms 6) Check for Invoice and Goods Received Date
(Check Invalid Terms 8) Check calendar based payment terms
l_temp_invoice_status = Nterms_id =
(Check Invoice Validation 10) Check for Misc Info
(Check Misc Invoice Info 1) Check for valid accts_pay_ccid.
(Check Misc Invoice Info 5) Check for valid employee
l_temp_invoice_status = Y
(Check Invoice Validation 11a) Check for LE Info
(Check Legal Entity Info 2) Check for reg code/number and Get LE.
(Check Legal Entity Info 2.1) Get Bill TO Location ID
(Check Legal Entity Info 2.2) Call LE API
(Check Legal Entity Info 2.3) Valid LE Flow
(Check Legal Entity Info 2.4a) Legal Entity ID: 23274
l_temp_invoice_status = Y
(Check Invoice Validation 11) Check for Payment Currency Info ,if Invoice No. is
(Check Invalid Pay Currency 0) Calling Caching Function for Currency
Cache_Fnd_Currency <- AP_IMPORT_VALIDATION_PKG.v_check_invalid_pay_curr<-AP_IMPO
RT_VALIDATION_PKG.v_check_invoice_validation<-Import_invoices<- Expense Report E
Caching Currency from Fnd Currency
l_valid_pay_currency: INR
(Check Payment Currency Code 3.3) Check for fixed pay_currency_code = inv_curre
l_temp_invoice_status = Y
(Check Invoice Validation 14) Check for Prepayment Info.
l_temp_invoice_status =
(Check Invoice Validation 15) Check for tax drivers or invoice level tax validat
(Check tax info 1) Check for control_amount
(Check tax info 2) Check for tax_related_invoice_id
(Check tax info 3) Check for calc_tax_during_import_flag
(Check tax info 4) Validate if allocation structure is provided for inclusive li
nes when the invoice has more than one item line.
(Check tax info 5) Check if any non-tax line has tax information
(Check tax info 6) Check if an invoice has a tax line matched to receipt and ano
ther allocated to item lines
------------------> l_temp_invoice_status =
(Check Invoice Validation 16) Check for Exchange Rate Info.
(Check No Xrate Base Amount 1) Is Xrate_Base_Amount invalid?
(Check Invoice Validation 17) Check Payment Info
l_temp_invoice_status = N
------------------> vendor_id = 6 vendor_site_id = 6 invoice_status = N terms_id
= -1 fatal_error_flag = invoice_type_lookup_code = EXPENSE REPORT match_mode
invoice_status is:N
(Import_invoice 17.1) Change the invoice status to REJECTING
(Change_invoice_status 1) Change invoice status to REJECTING
(Import_invoice 7) FETCH import_invoices
(Import_invoice) CLOSE import_invoices
(Import_invoice 18a) Get/Initialize batch name
(Import_invoice 18f) Do Not create batch
(Import_invoice 19) COMMIT to the database
(Import_purge 20) Check IF there is still any record left
------------------> l_continue_flag = N
(Import_invoice 21) Update temporary status
(Update_temp_invoice_status 1) Change PROCESSING to PROCESSED
(Update_temp_invoice_status 2) Change REJECTING to REJECTED
(Import_invoice 22) Return No of invoices fetched during process ,p_invoices_fet
Invoices that failed Open Interface *1*
Opening cursor for deleting from AP interface tables
Purge data from the ap interface tables
(Import_purge ) Deleting records in interface tables...
(Import_purge 1) Open purge_invoices cursor
(Import_puege 2) Fetch purge_invoices
(Import_purge ) Close purge_invoices cursor
(Import_purge 5) Commit to the database
(Import_purge 6) Check if there is still any record left
---------> l_continue_flag = N
Expenses Fetched = 1
Invoices Created = 0
Call Expenses Rejection Workflow
End of log messages from FND_FILE
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Post by chaitu_apps »



As per the debug logfile , have you attached default payment terms in payble options - expense report Tab and also check the default payment method which you created in payment administrator.
Posts: 151
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Post by anjan123 »

Dear All,

Oracle Has given simple way to find out the solution in the given note, i dont know why you people are doing hardwork to resolve the issue.

Please follow the given note, it is very easy to do also.

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Post by tgs100 »

Anjan: When the system is not able to find the payment term and payment method to create the expense invoice, how come bouncing the apache will help?

First we need to fix the payment term and payment method issue. If the error still persists, then we can try the solution given in the metalink note.

Posts: 43
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Location: India

Post by tirumal »

Hi All,

I have attached default payment terms in payble options - expense report Tab

1) I Heve 4 payment terms but insted of 4 iam getting only on at payble options - expense report Tab

Let me know why iam getting only one here.

2)Default payment method which I have created in payment administrator.
But i did not attach this where we attached Default payment method in applicaion i have defined payment method and defaulting rules

Best Regards
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Post by anjan123 »

[quote]Anjan: When the system is not able to find the payment term and payment method to create the expense invoice, how come bouncing the apache will help?

First we need to fix the payment term and payment method issue. If the error still persists, then we can try the solution given in the metalink note.


<i><div align="right">Originally posted by tgs100
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Post by tgs100 »

Anjan: You may be correct. I have not used this method. I could get all the errors when running with debug mode as 'Yes' and hence there was no need for me to look into other methods.

Saravanan TG
Posts: 43
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Post by tirumal »

Hi All,

After going to Mata Link note as given above i Attached the menus in my application.

I got this error in rejection Region could u help me out how can we resove this issue.

<font color="red">Date Goods Received is required when Terms Date Basis set to Goods Received.</font id="red">
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Post by tgs100 »

Check whether supplier (Employee) exists in the supplier master. If yes, go to supplier site --> Payments Tab and then change the 'Terms Date Basis' to 'Invoice Date' or 'System Date'.

Saravanan TG
Posts: 43
Joined: Tue Dec 25, 2007 7:24 am
Location: India

Post by tirumal »


I have Completed the Payable Options Setup In the expense report template tab check box 'Automatically Create Employee as Supplier'

The Supplier (Employee) is not appearing in the supplier master

what setups required for this.
while Trying the invoice manually at Trading organization level the employes are appearing with the site as Office.
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Post by tgs100 »

Go to Payables System Setup (Payables Resp --> Setup --> Options --> Payables System Setup). Check what is the value given in 'Terms Date basis' field. Change it to 'Invoice' (or 'System')

Saravanan TG
Posts: 43
Joined: Tue Dec 25, 2007 7:24 am
Location: India

Post by tirumal »

Hi All,

I did the setups by changing the terms date basis i ran the report in all the combinations.
But things are be the same as before. getting the same error only

Please i required help on this


Go to Payables System Setup (Payables Resp --> Setup --> Options --> Payables System Setup). Check what is the value given in 'Terms Date basis' field. Change it to 'Invoice' (or 'System')
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