Problem Facing in Payroll Element Creation

Oracle Human Resource (Core HR), Payroll, Time & Labor, Self Service HR, Advance Benefit, Talent Management (Performance Management, Competency Management, Performance Appraisal, Goal Management), iRecruitment, Compensation Workbench
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Problem Facing in Payroll Element Creation

Post by mamajid »

Version R12/11i? = R12 12.1.1
Instance PROD/TEST/VIS? = vision
Module? = Payroll
OS? = Linux

Dear all

I am working on oracle hrms and payroll. I have establish setup for hrms and payroll. We have recently installed "oracle apps rel 12.1.1" and using "Global HRMS" as their is no legislation available for Pakistan.

Let me detail the steps i followed and then write down the problem.

setup for hrms and payroll

- I Defined required flexfield.
- I Defined business group
- in defining business group i define my own business group e.g. abc business group
- defined location
- defined classification
- defined fields in others options
- in other options field name "legislation code" i selected Pakistan.

- Then i defined rest of the setups like job, positions and other.

- here comes the problem-

- when i came to define Elements for payroll. It is showing me only one value in primary classification and that is "Balance Initialization". I reported that on oracle apps forum and got reply that i need to apply patch of hrglobal.

(I have gone through with the following document and applied the patch.
Doc 145837.1 (Latest HRMS (HR Global) Legislative Data Patch Available))

After applying that patch i am consistently facing the same problem.

I have tried to trace down the issue and found out that if i select Pakistan legislation code in others option of business group classification then this problem occurs and in-case of other legislation code it is working fine.

I will really appreciate if any one can help me out of this problem because it has stuck me badly.


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Post by admin »

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Post by mamajid »

Thanks for the prompt reply.

But can you please tell me step by step way that on system administrator
which form should i open and perform action to resolve the problem.

I am asking because i havent run the concurrent program before. This is the first time i have been referred to.

I will be great to have this help.




<i><div align="right">Originally posted by admin
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Post by mamajid »

Please discard my last message as i have tracked the right direction and found the concurrent process which is to be run. Just for confirmation, I am implementing the module in Pakistan there fore while running the process should i provide the following parameters? please confirm

Legislation : Pakistan
Currency : PKR
Tax Year Start Date: ?
Install Tax unit : ?

Please confirm and guide me for question marks

[quote]Thanks for the prompt reply.

But can you please tell me step by step way that on system administrator
which form should i open and perform action to resolve the problem.

I am asking because i havent run the concurrent program before. This is the first time i have been referred to.

I will be great to have this help.




<i><div align="right">Originally posted by admin
Posts: 87
Joined: Tue Nov 24, 2009 1:24 am
Location: Bahrain

Post by mamajid »

Problem resolved

Thanks Admin :)
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