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Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 9:50 pm
by liz
Hi Group!!

Had a question about Budgets. What would be the difference if I enter budgets as journals as against entring amounts. The GLUG says "General Ledger does not create journal entries when you use the Enter Budget Amounts window. Use the Enter Budget Journals window if you want to create journal entries to maintain an audit trail for your budget amounts"

What are the pros and cons of entering Budget as Journals rather than entering it as Amounts.



Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 2:12 am
by k.khan
In amount you can not have the <span id='hl' style='background-color: yellow'>audit trail </span id='hl'> where as in journal you will have the audit trail
In amount there is auto <span id='hl' style='background-color: yellow'>posting mechanism</span id='hl'>
Where as in journal you need to post it by giving name to it hence
<span id='hl' style='background-color: yellow'>Detection</span id='hl'> becomes easy in journals..<span id='hl' style='background-color: yellow'> Not </span id='hl'> in case of amount
if you are confused from the word audit means it will retain information that what was the amount before the change..then how much you changed...etc

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:17 am
by Upendra
Further to Khan's clarification:

If you have enabled Budget Journals at SOB level, you have to created Journals for Budgets and you donot have any option.

Upendra Donepudi

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:46 am
by ushakiran
what i say is just know the concept of budget
but you are not the right person to decide the budget amount etc...
the client will decide the budget amount....

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:25 am
by liz
Hi Friends,

Thanks for the response. I appreciate it.

What I am trying to know is that it is easy to enter budget amounts (using Budget Wizard of ADI or directly in Enter Budget Window in Oracle) while entering budgt journals is a cumbersome process. Why or under what cirumstances would one choose to upload budget as journals and not as amounts.
