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How to Knock off Resource Abs and Sal Payable A/c

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:45 am
Dear Friends

The Business Scenario is as follows

The Client would like to add the cost of Labor to the cost of Production
The Client also uses Payroll

So they create a Labor cost as a Resource and charge per hour rate basis

Hence the accounting entry is as follows

Dr Resource Account (From WIP Accounting Class)
Cr Resource Absorption Account (Resource form)

When they make Salary Payment from Payroll it generates the following entry

Dr Salary Account (From Payroll Elements)
cr Salary Payable A/c

In this scenario both resource absorption and Salary Payable both lying as the credit

How do we knock of the entries to make the single Payment either using
Resource absorption or Salary Payable.

I am aware there are workarounds with which I can fix this up.

But I would like to know the suggested method by Oracle

If anyone has information on the same, Please let me know

Looking forward your response

Thanks and Regards