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How to Implement this report

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 6:52 am
by keerti_rose
--->I have table emp with columns empno,empname,deptno,deptname

--->I have Custimze a report by passing deptname as an inpout parameter.

--->Here I am going to pass five parameters(all values are coming form Deptname column)
p1(Operations Deptname)
p2(sales Deptname)
p3(Research Deptname)
p4(Banking deptname)
p5(Purchasing Deptname)

--->Here p1 parameter is must and the remaining parametrrs are Optinal


1)If we will pass p1 and p2 then we have to get p1 and p2 related data .

2)If we will pass p1,p2,p3

3)If we will pass p1,p2,p3,p4.

4)If we will pass p1,p2,p3,p4 and p5

5)P1 ==>value
p2 ==>null
p3 ==>null
p4 ==>null
p5 ==>null

6)P1 ==>value
p2 ==>null
p3 ==>value
p4 ==>null
p5 ==>null

7)P1 ==>value
p2 ==>null
p3 ==>null
p4 ==>null
p5 ==>value

How to implement the same in report builder 6i

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 7:22 am
by admin
If the range will be in a sequence then pass two parameters min and mix value and in query use between min and max. thanks

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:54 pm
by Kashif
use the following in the Where Clause

Where DeptName in ( :P1 , :P2, :P3, :P4, :P5)

Its just an idea and solution for the Question
BUT not recomended for good programming.
so avoid it and use the solution sugusted by the admin