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Can't set ENABLED attribute of non displayed item

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:46 am
by Racleoay
Hello Gurus:

I'm trying to hide a button in one of the customized forms. I set item.displayed=false. but whenever I run the form, I get the following error message:

<font color="red"><b>FRM-41033: Can't set ENABLED attribute of non displayed item ...</b></font id="red">

I tried to set the item.enabled=false then item.displayed=false but the same error appears again!

could anyone help me plzzzzz

thanks alot

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:29 am
by haseebkhatri
Kindly Use This Code:


Make sure when form run ,B1 is not a current item.

B1 is a button Name:
