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Order Management Related Profile Options

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 2:29 am
by ahmadbilal
Dear all,

i would like to share with you all profile options used for oracle order management and AR.

AR: Use Invoice Accounting for Credit Memos
BOM: Check for Duplicate Configuration
<b>The profile "BOM:Check for duplicate configurations" is no longer being used.Instead, use the profiles:
BOM:Match to existing configurations
BOM: Use Custom Match Function
to use Match functionality. </b>

BOM: Component Item Sequence Increment
BOM: Configurator URL of UI Manager
BOM: Default Bill of Material Levels
Journals: Display Inverse Rate
OM: Administer Public Queries
OM: Apply Automatic Attachments
OM: Autoschedule
OM: Auto Push Group Date
OM: Charging Privilege
OM: Context Responsibility for Upgraded Orders
OM: Credit Card Privileges
OM: Credit Memo Transaction Type
OM: Cust Item Shows Matches
OM: Customer Relationships
OM: Debug Level
OM: Discounting Privileges
OM: Estimated Authorization Validity Period
OM: GSA Discount Violation Action
OM: Included Item FreezeMethod
OM: Invoice Numbering Freeze Method
OM: Invoice Source
OM: Invoice Transaction Type
OM: Inventory Source Location
OM: Item Flexfield
OM: Log Directory for Generated Packages
OM: Negative Pricing
OM: Non-Delivery Invoice Source
OM: Notification Approver
OM: Order Purge per Commit
OM: Over Return Tolerance
OM: Over Shipment Tolerance
OM: Over Shipment Invoice Basis
OM: Payment Method for Transactions
OM: Reservation Time Fence
OM: Return Item Mismatch Action
OM: Return Unfulfilled Reference Line Action
OM: Risk Factor Threshold for Electronic Payments
OM: Set of Books
OM: Schedule Line on Hold
OM: Show Discount Details on Invoice
OM: Show Line Details
OM: Source Code
OM: Use Configurator
OM: Under Return Tolerance
OM: Under Shipment Tolerance
QP: Accrual UOM Class
QP: Blind Discount Option
QP: Bypass the Pricing Engine
QP: Item Validation Organization
QP: Line Volume UOM Code
QP: Line Weight UOM Code
QP: Negative Pricing
QP: Source System Code
QP: Unit Price Precision Type
QP: Verify GSA
Sequence Numbering
Tax: Allow Ad Hoc Tax Changes
Tax: Allow Override of Customer Exemptions
Tax: Allow Override of Tax Code
Tax: Calculate Tax on Credit Memos
Tax: Inventory Item for Freight
Tax: Invoice Freight as Revenue
Tax: Use Tax Vendor

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 3:00 am
by ahmadbilal
<b>AR: Use Invoice Accounting For Credit Memos</b>

Receivables does not require you to enter a Revenue Account
for Credit Memo transaction types if the profile option
AR: Use Invoice Accounting for Credit Memos is set to Yes.
Otherwise, you must enter a Revenue Account

<b>This profile option determines whether to assign your credit memo to the same accounts that are assigned to the invoice you are crediting.</b>

<b>BOM: Check for Duplicate Configuration</b>
Indicates whether to search for an existing duplicate configuration rather than create a new item
Match and Reserve ATO Configurations allow you to check for an existing matching configuration and reserve against it. While entering an order you can search for matching active ATO configurations and associated available-to-transact quantities based on the options selected for the entered order line. To select a matching configuration the following criteria must be met:
The order must be booked
The order line cannot have an associated configuration item assigned
The profile option BOM: Check for Duplicate Configurations must be set to Match and Reserve

<b>BOM: Component Item Sequence Increment</b>
Indicates the value by which to increment the sequence of the component item on the bill

<b>BOM: Configurator URL of UI Manager</b>
User for Web based configuration required in case of oracle Configurator

<b>BOM: Default Bill of Material Levels</b>
Indicates the number of explosion levels to use as a default for bill of material indented explosions

<b>Journals: Display Inverse Rate</b>
Journals: Display Inverse Rate set to Yes, General Ledger will display inverse exchange rates in the Enter Journals and other windows. For example, assume that the profile option is set to Yes and your functional currency is USD. If you enter the AUD to USD rate as .7793 in the Daily Rates window, General Ledger will display the inverse rate, or 1.2832, in the Enter Journals window when you create a foreign currency journal using AUD as the foreign currency.

<b>OM: Administer Public Queries</b>
OM: Administer Public Queries is set to Yes, you will see a checkbox labeled Public. Checking this checkbox will save this query under Public Folders and all users will see it. Leaving this checkbox unchecked will save this query under Personal Folders and only you will have access to it.