Small company case study COA required.

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Small company case study COA required.

Post by champ_guru_24 »

Hi Admin and All,

Is it possible for you to explain the chart of accounts with an example of a case study? I know what COA is and have read various papers on it but I was unable to find anywhere a doc which will explain me the following:

Case study of a small company...This company has some requirements and so we analyse those requirements and go ahead and implement COA for them after getting their all requirements. Now what we will be doing is,

1) Check their Org structure

2) select number of segments for their COA after knowing the level of reporting they want, say 5.

But why only 5, why not 6 or 4 etc...

3) These segments will have certain types and qualifiers...

Seg1 = balancing seg
Seg2 = Natural acc
Seg3 = cost center
Seg4 = Location
Seg5 = Product type

But what was the thought process behind all these segment qualifiers? The client(Small company) has given us say 10 requirements. But what thinking on our end made us to create above 5 segments and their respective qualifiers?

4) Certain value sets for these segs

Again, why these value sets etc..

5) And much more....


Above I just gave an e.g as to what I expected from the explanation. Basically I want a case study for a small company which gives us requirements and we create for them the COA design.

COA setup steps can be found anywhere on google but the above stuff I wasn't able to find even after hard search.

Is it possible for you to explain all above by finding time from your busy schedule? I would really appreciate if I get such a doc from you as it will clear much of the doubts and will give us a clearer picture for COA.

Also, if the doc included the org structure of that sample company then it will be cherry on the cake.

I am really in need of such a sample case study for a small company (a mythical company or a small real company will also do).

I have stressed on a small company and not a large one because such a small design will truely explain us the real concepts easily. A large design example will mostly confuse us. Also as it is said, we should learn to walk first before we learn to run :)

Thanks and regards,

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Post by champ_guru_24 »

No Veterans there to help me out ??????? Come on!!!
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Post by clickrudra »

After reading your all post i am still uinable to understand what exactly do you want.

Do you want a real small company COA???

Do you want steps to create CPA???

pelase confir, i may help you...
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Post by ramesh040671 »


For creatiing aChart of account, does not matter whether it is for small company or for a big comapany, you should know about your company's requirement first.

But in your thougt i do not understand what excalty do you want to know

1 . about the segment[:)
2. about the segment qualifiers
3 about the chart of account.

if you please specify, i can able to answer your question.[?]

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Post by champ_guru_24 »


Thanks for your replies.

Actually what I want is the thought process which goes behind the creation of the COA.
Like in the doc which I require, the creator of the doc will present the Org structure of the small company. Then he will present the requirements of that company. Then as per those requirements how did one reach to the COA structure.

But I wanted the above explanation using a sample company as an example. If all this explanation is done using an example company with its real requirements and the thought processes in detail, it will satisfy what I want.
Thus I need all that is done by the implementation team and Financial team together. But with example.

So the example will itself be the explanation of all the thought process for creation of the COA.
The small company I mentioned need not have any old COA. The design will be from scratch.

Let me further clear myself on this:
Lets have a small manufacturing company named as ISRO Labs.
So the first step will be that the implementation team will get the org structure, requirements.
So now we will have the structure (diagram) on the doc. Also we will list the requirements.

The data I have gathered can be:
1) The company's corporate head office is in Mumbai. And we are operating in 2 states say Kerala nd Maharashtra.
2) In Maharashtra we have different manufacturing, 4 located in Mumbai and 2 in Pune. In Mumbai, one is in Andheri, one in Thane and two are in Borivali. Likewise we have 2 in pune.
3) etc...

There will be many such small and big facts(data) and requirements.

So what will be our thought process on this and exactly how did we come to the COA structure at the end is the real game we should play.

Thus it will be start to end design of this mythical small company's COA.
If such a doc is made available then it will really make the concept of COA and its design very sound.

I hope I am able to explain my requirements.

Please let me know if you need any clarifications.

Thanks and regards,

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