Access Apps R12 and sqldeveloper from Linux

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Access Apps R12 and sqldeveloper from Linux

Post by lukman »

Hello all,

This is just for the adventurous people. I'd just installed Ubuntu 8.10 - Intrepid Ibex in my laptop because a co-worker force me to use it to access Oracle E-Business Suite :))

Basically it's the same as Atul Kumar wrote in his page (google it using keyword Access Oracle Apps R12 / 11i from Linux Client - Mozilla Firefox). I had tried to use fedora core 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 using the steps he gave and it worked.

Here are the steps :
Oracle Apps : 12.0.5 or 12.0.6

JRE needed : 1.5.0_13
JRE version varied depends on your Oracle Apps. You can try to connect using firefox first to know JRE needed for your machine. You can download JRE 1.5.0_13 from Sun in ... index.html and choose JRE then download the bin file. You may download rpm.bin file but then you need to convert it to .deb file because Ubuntu doesn't use rpm package.

1. Change to root
$ su ( google to find steps on how to enable root in Ubuntu, it's easy)

2. Copy JRE 1.5.0_13 from your download folder to /opt (I use opt for my JRE installation)
# cp {download folder of your JRE 1.5.0_13) /opt

3. Extract JRE 1.5.0_13 in /opt
# ./JRE 1.5.0_13.bin
this process will create jre1.5.0.13 folder in /opt

4. Change to /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins to create soft link
# cd /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins

5. Create soft link
# ln -s /opt/jre1.5.0_13/plugin/i386/ns7/ ./

Done. Try to open Oracle Apps and it should work.

Now what if we want to use sqldeveloper:
sqldeveloper version : 1.5.3 (you can download sqldeveloper from oracle in ... index.html)
JDK version : 1.5.0_17

Before you can install sqldeveloper, if you download the noarch.rpm file you need to convert it to deb file either using alien or any other way.

I installed sqldeveloper and JDK in /opt using step 1 - 3 as above.
Before using sqldeveloper, edit file and add:

export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit

so it would be like this :

export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit
cd "`dirname $0`"/sqldeveloper/bin && bash sqldeveloper $*

After that, open a terminal then type sqldeveloper. It will ask your JDK installation path. Type it (mine is in /opt/jdk1.5.0_17) and sqldeveloper will open. Hope that help. Have a good day.
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Post by admin »

Excellent. thanks
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Post by lukman »

here's my experience using Ubuntu for accessing Oracle Apps : sometimes the cursor won't focus on the field so we need to change to another window and get back but sometimes it still won't focus and you need to log off or even restart your computer. Sometimes it even won't solve your problem and I need to use Windows again :P

Funny thing, it never happened when I use fedora 5 or 9. I planned to install fedora 10 and use it to access Oracle Apps. I'll get back and tell you the result.
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Post by lukman »

To access Oracle E-Business Suite and sqldeveloper using Fedora 10 basically the same with Ubuntu 8.10. All we need to do is create a symbolic link for the java. I put the symbolic link in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins. After that close all firefox browser and reopen again then you can access Oracle E-Business Suite.

Another way is to create the symbolic link in your local mozilla folder e.g.:/home/****/.mozilla/plugins only for the local user.
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Post by lukman »


Just want to inform you all that you BETTER NOT use firefox when using web form in R12. I?d tried in several instances and almost didn?t work so stick to Internet Explorer when you want to setup.

BTW, if you use Oracle Enterprise Linux, the default plugin folder is in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
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