withhodling tax and discount - R12

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withhodling tax and discount - R12

Post by kommineni7 »

Hi Gurus,

we are trying to show a demo to client about withholding tax functionality. we are not able to understand , how the system is calculating the withhoding amount and discounts, if a particualr invoice attracts both; withhodling tax & Discount.

we attached sheet with our two scenarios. could you please help us hwo the system is cacluated the withhled amount and discount.

Secenairo1: Enabled discount check box at payable options level
Scenairo2:Disabled the discount check box at payable options level.

Qucik repsone will hlep us allot..

Invoice amount 1000
withhold 10%
discount - Immediate payment 10%

Including - Enabled discount check box enable at Payable options level. Estimate Actual amounts
invoice Gross 1000 1000
withheld amount -100 -100
Net 900 900
discount -90 -81
payment 810 819
Exlucding - Disabled discount check box enable at Payable options level Estimate Actual amounts
Invoice Gross 1000 1000
Discount -100 -82.81
Net 900 917.19
withheld amount -90 -90
Payment 810 827.19

Thansk Q so much..
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