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Only the Workflow Administrators can modify

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 8:33 am
by admin
If you are trying to create vacation rule other than Sysadmin you will get following error,

"Only the Workflow Administrators can modify the vacation rules of other users"

This is because sysadmin is owner of workflow so if you want other responsibility to do this you need to change ownership. Here we will change from sysadmin to "PO Super User"

Search the internal name for the responsibility to whom you want to give authority,

update wf_resources
where name = 'WF_ADMIN_ROLE'
and text in (select name
from wf_roles
where display_name = 'SYSADMIN');

Now assigned Workflow Administrator Web Applications to the user to whom you want to create vacation rules for other users.

Please do it on TEST and verify before moving on to LIVE.