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how I get running total by using tow table inrepot

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 2:19 am
by mfa786
Sir I have tow table in accbal have opening balance and in voudetail have daily transaction I need ledger report with opening balance
My report get opening balance from accbal and get befor given date balance from voudetail

Such as
For opening balance

Selelect case when dr>cr then dr-cr
When cr>dr then cr-dr
End opbal from accbal

For get balance form daily transaction

Select case when sum(debit)-sum(credit)> sum(credit)-sum(debit) then
when sum(credit)-sum(debit)>sum(debit)-sum(credit) then
end trbalance from voudetail
where date <givendate

cal acute both balance in variable

total =opbal+trbal

and send this total in report as opening balance on top of report and add this amount asper condition in amount report amount is debit and totalbal is debit then
or credit then

sir I need this type of calculation in report


if you give me idea n query is best for me I calculate with over function and use report only for output

please sir give me idea urgent

