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Summary Accounts and Mass Allocation

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 5:30 am
by yemfola
Dear friends,

I need some explaination on the formulas of Summary account and mass allocation. How do we arrive at this formulas and how do we use them. Clear simple explaination and illustration is needed. I have read oracle manual but I am still confused.

Please help



Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 1:40 pm
by raghuka
<font face="Book Antiqua"></font id="Book Antiqua"><font size="3"></font id="size3"><font color="red"></font id="red">

Dear Freind

You have 3 steps to perform Mass Allocation

1 Define a cost pool journal( it is a regular journal from where the value or amount needs to be distributed in allocation process)

2 Define a statistical journal with curency as stat and category as headcount.( for this you have to create a value under account segment with expense type.

3 Define mass allocation name with Period (Save)

4 Click on formulas

5 A = Cost pool amount select the account segement same as cost pool journal with CCC

6 B= select the account segement with parent value as defined in stat journal CLC

7 C= total usage same as B CSC

8 T= same account segement as A with parent value CLC

9 O= same as cost pool segement CCC

10 Save come out of the form and validate and generate
