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Duplication Receipt Number

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 5:34 am
by ernest.huang
Hi all

why the AR ledger allowed the duplication on receipt number

Can Anyone respond to my Query ?

thank you



Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 5:22 am
by karthikeyanp1981
Receipts come from external sources and document is generated by the external authority, so u dont have control on the sequences generated by the third party, so there will be chance of 2 or more third parties maintaining the same sequences.
For Example,
Assume u have a receipt from bank, the receipt number will be the bank pay in slip no or the cheque no, Both these numbers are not controlled or generated by you... So as a company u may have receipts from more than bank, there exists a chance of similar numbering by another bank too.
In such a case it is advised to prefix your receipt number in oracle by the bank name as the abbreviation !