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Different SOBs

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 11:23 am
by Dinesh
Few questions for experts

1 )What are deffernt set of books one can define in the system ? (e.g. Primary, Local and Reporting)
2) What is the basic difference between them ?
3) Where and When they are used ?


Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 1:59 pm
by cnubandi
Hai Dinesh,

I thik we have two types of SOB's only

One is <b>Primary SOB</b>,the another is <b>Reporting SOB</b>.

With the Primary SOB we can maintain our accounting transactions in the <font color="red">functional currency</font id="red">.

Reporting SOB allows you to maintain your Functional currency transactions in to <font color="red">another currency.</font id="red">
Like that we can maintain accounting data in to <font size="6">Eight </font id="size6"> curriencies(MAX).

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 6:21 am
by yatan_2020
Please note, Primary & Reporting SOB's are used where MRC is implemented. (In this case only Currency can be different out of 3c's)

Other SOB type is Parent and Subsidiary SOB (In this case, all 3c's of Parent & Subsidiary SOB's can be different and there is no limit to the number of Subsidiary SOB's). There data is Consolidated by running process mapping under GCS.