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Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 4:15 am
by pradeepora.apps

in Fixed Assets Mass Addition Create after the completion of i request the run the status is completed error

can anybody give me reply

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 4:24 am
by venkat_orasphere
Hi Pradeep,

did u check the check box in (AP Module)-invoice distribution line i.e TRACK AS ASSET?

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 4:41 am
first of need to run
and then run
Create mass addition report
if error in create mass addition u check whether invoices in payables are having same accounting period and year and invoice distribution properly states asset clearing account code etc apparantly no other reason to show any error.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 9:08 am
by k.khan
check out the procedure
1-give the respective asset clearance account rather than the asset original account otherwise it will expensed out all the cost in one period
2-check the track as asset check box if u have choosen asset clearance account by default it will be checked
3-transfer data to gl first
4-then create mass addition program
5-on successful completion report will run itself