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how to use api interfaces??

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 5:15 pm
by gags
im very new to oracle apps

i dont know i have practically use api

wat i know is that
1) first we create .cntrl and .txt file push data in staging table by sql loader
ques: wat .cntrl & .txt contain & how sql loader push data in staging table???

2) from staging table we put data in interface table
ques: how we do that & wat is concept of errcode & err msg???

3)then we do some validations put in data in apps table
ques:: wat is different b/w open-interface table and api??

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:35 am
by seenujanu
hi gags,

1) first we create .cntrl and .txt file push data in staging table by sql loader
ques: wat .cntrl & .txt contain & how sql loader push data in staging table???

first we have to write sql loader programe (extension) is .ctl to transfer the data from legacy system(flat file) to Staging tables the data is .txt or .csv or any other exten we attach in the sql loader programme (we just give the path)
(extension is) .txt

2) from staging table we put data in interface table
we just write sql programme for the validations (valid data)to dump the data into interface tables

3)then we do some validations put in data in apps table
then we dump the data into main tables through import programme this programme was given by Oracle (chech This
user guide for API in 115ug.pdf

or u download from

load data
infile 'c:\seenu.dat'
BADFILE 'c:\loader\balancesheet.bad'
into table balancesheet
fields terminated by ","
(FCode char,
fname char,
transdate date "RRRR-MM-DD" "substr(:transdate,1,10)",
collectionAmount decimal external,
premium decimal external,
MiscAmount decimal external,
Daybal decimal external)

Data is

the file name seenu.dat

A038,Ajani Amir Ali,2004-03-01 00:00:00,120,0,0,-7134
A038,Ajani Amir Ali,2004-03-02 00:00:00,120,0,0,-7014
A038,Ajani Amir Ali,2004-03-03 00:00:00,120,0,0,-6894
A038,Ajani Amir Ali,2004-03-04 00:00:00,120,0,0,-6774
A038,Ajani Amir Ali,2004-03-05 00:00:00,120,0,0,-6654

FND_PROFILE.GET this is the procedure created by the oralce api(application programme interface)

profile APIs you can use in your PL/SQL procedures. You can use these user profile routines to manipulate the
option values stored in client and server user profile caches.

we just write this in validations to get the values of current profile


if u have any doubts let me know

