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Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:34 am
by Kashif
Dear all Memebers

I want to fire the Trigger ON-DISPATCH-EVENT when ever there is Data on COMPORT.
But dont know When this Event Will Fire Automatically at ONCOMM Event.
I have imported all the OLE CLASSES in the Form (Developer 6i)
Every thing is Ok Except that how to CALL OnComm Event.

I have Hand Punch Machine which drop the Data on COM PORT.
the Data Contains CODE, Data, TIme and some garbage data. near about more then 100 Character. i try to Catch the Data by Using Timeer Control and by using the LOOP. But this way is Not good. Often te data is Lost by using these methods. I want to Use ONComm Event. BUT HOW<img src=images/speech/icon_speech_sigh.gif border=0 width=27 height=15>

Please help me.