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Problems and Questions

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 4:39 am
by mohamediim
1- (Receivable Module) After putiing Payment method in Receipt Class and making Receipt Source when insering the first Receipt I found LOV of Payment Method without data

2- (Payable) After Create Accounting in Supplier Invoice when trying to send it to Gl I found it transfered to gl_interface but without segments ... i modified it manualy to complete cycle

3- (Payable) In credit memo I can not to enter positive value

4- (Receivable) How to post invoice to gl after complete

5- what is the reports most commonly used in each module

6- from where can i find detail and solution of any error like APP-AR-01245

7-I have conflict between Muti Org - Multi SOB - First segment in Accounting flexfield also consolidation

8-what is the benifit of Intercompany Setup

9-(GL) what is the differnt between putting amount of budget directly or putting it through journal

10 - (Receivable) what the meaning of Accounting Generator, Accounting Rule and Receivable Activity


Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:54 am
by admin
Pl keep one question in one topic. thanks