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Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:54 am
by avipax
What are Prod, Test and Dev instances and what is Vanilla Implementation and are there any other implementations apart from vanilla implementation.

Thank you


Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 11:20 pm
by Ritz
During any implementation , the tem does testing and development on various instances , before going live. These are test and dev instances. Once we go live then the instance is called as prod - all transactions are based on PROD.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 7:10 am
by sunnyk
Dear Ritz,

Thankyou for that could you please elaborate what is Vanilla Implementation.

With regards

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 8:00 pm
by Ritz
Well imagine you have take verion 11i and done lots of customizations to suit your business needs. After 2 years you need to upgrade to 12i. Now all those customizations will have to be done again in 12i to suit your biz needs. All this involves considerable time and efforts.

Do'nt you think it would have been better if the company would have done little or no customizations in 11i ?? They should have made certain changes to their biz process?? - This would have been a Vanilla imp.

A ?vanilla? implementation is one which minimizes changes made to the delivered software. This approach reduces expense, both in the initial implementation and in future upgrades.

A vanilla implementation has two very distinct characteristics. On the one hand, it makes it much easier for us to accept future versions of the software from the vendor, because future versions will build on past versions. If we didn?t change anything, we can just install the new software right on top of the old and not worry (too much) about whether anything will be broken. On the other hand, a vanilla implementation often means we have to adapt our business practices to meet the functionality of the software, and that means training and possibly even restructuring.

Dear Ritz,

Thank you for that could you please elaborate what is Vanilla Implementation.

With regards

<i><div align="right">Originally posted by sunnyk - Mar 04 2008 : 02:10:30 AM</div id="right"></i>