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Difference between Manual Payment and Quick Paymen

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 4:38 pm
by shaikjohnpasha
Anyone could tell me what is the main difference between Manual Payment and Quick Paymen???

Thanks in Advance??
John Pasha Shaik[:)]

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 5:02 am
in manual payment when you have selected a supplier for payment you tax will not be deducted from that payment even supplier was subject to WHT deduction.

in quick payment, system will deduct WHT tax on that Payment to supplier.

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 11:23 am
by mydeen bathusha
Manual payment u slelect manuvaly but quick select manual but system payment doc automatic
ex- RS 100 invoice xx suppler u have select suppler xx then payment amount u enter but quick u u only slect payment doc or bank

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:14 am
by Raja73
The basic and important difference is:

By Functionality:

Manual Payment: It is made out of ORACLE APPS by writing a cheque manually and issued to the Supplier and later updated in the system.

Quick Payment: It is made through ORACLE APPS by selecting the supplier and followed by selecting a due invoice. Cheques will be printed from the system.

Technical Difference:

With Manual Payment option, you can apply the payment on any invoice and on any Site of the Supplier.

Where as in Quick Payment, system picks up the Supplier Name and Address based on the invoice you selected to pay and you are not allowed to alter the site details.

If somebody have much more information please post to enable us to learn


Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:05 pm
by rajasekhar_mutyala
manual payments are meant to record manual check payments.

quick payment are computer generated payments. we can stop quick
payments only once they are formatted. for quick payments even though
a check is voided we can reissue the same check since it is a computer
generated payment.

for quick payments only interest invoices are generated, but not for
manual payments

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 5:07 am
by ramu.parepalli
Thanks Moon and Team

Manual Payment is Physically writing a Cheque and manually updating in the System.

In Quick Payment, Cheque is printed by Oracle.

Coming to With Holding Tax

While making Quick Payment System Automatically deducts With Holding Tax and makes Payment for the Net amount Payable.

In Manual Payment, we can keep what ever the Amount we can.

Thanks & Regards,
Oracle Financial Consultant