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ReCompilation of RDF

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 1:49 am
by omerjaved100
I have a scenerio in which we have to drop and then ReBuild the table. We have done it via a script file. But All the reports Built on that table have to recompile.

Is there any other way round so that we can run REP file without ReCompilation or Command line script for it?

M.Omer Javed
ERP Technical Consultant
Mob:+923214647529/ +923004479693

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 3:11 am
by sikandar
Instead of dropping the table I would suggest to use Oracle temporary table feature hope your problem will be resolved. By the way why are you dropping the table instead of just truncating it? As if you are changing the structure of table everytime then you must compile the report and if not changing the sturucture then use temporary table feaure. take care.