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Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 11:00 am
by zhondi
Hello Gurus,

Im having problem with using Payable Documents for 2 operating units.

I can see the banks created in the default Operating Unit. When i add the bank accounts and put the same name for Document Name and Payment fromat.

My expectation is that when the Document number is used on one operating unit as its just one cheque book used in the company it shud also update the other operating unit.

Has anyone of you ever come across this where by it works that way?

Does it mean an organization having different operating units need different Payables Documents?

Please help!!!!!



Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 1:11 pm
by cnubandi

In the Oracle Apps 11i,It is not possible to share Bank defination from one operating unit to another operating unit.Data is Secured at operating unit level .Means If you want you can share The header information of the bank ,but not site information.We can say this is an limitation of multi org.

Now in R12 New Bank Model is introdused.Now you can share a same bank account from different operating units.Now Bank defination is owned by Legal Entity.

I think It is clear for You


Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 4:44 am
by zhondi
Hello cnubandi,

Thanks for the input.

I had already setup the Operating Units and expected it to work very well. Guess will have to go for manual entering of check numbers but thats not a good way as security is compromised for the document numbers.

