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Why this massage when we save new Assignment?

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 4:08 am
by alruwaished
Why we get this massage when we save new Assignment ?
Correct or update this massage will appear when you want to save new assignment, why please explain and when it appear next time what you will do.

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 5:04 am
by tariqbashir
Basically it maintain the history if you use UPDATE other side if you select Correction then it will not maintain the history.


Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 7:19 am
by alruwaished
[8D]Thinks dear for you answer
In first time this massage appear because when we are create new employee the system automatically create the assignment for this employee that why in this case it is better to use correct option. please this action you can use it for the first time creating assignment to the your employee