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Schedule Ship Date

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 6:43 am
by sandy6381

How can I change the schdule ship date and the Sales order line. When I save the line in Sales order it takes the default time as : 23.59

But when i change it and try to save it it save it again with the same time. How can i change this default time. Please answer asap. Thanks for your assistance in advance.


Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 6:38 pm
by vikramreddymca

By using CUSTOM.pll u can alter the schedue_ship_date and time.

the code in two events,
1. if event = when_new_form_instance

2. if event = when_validate_record

for time stamp you can use bulit-in function CURRENT_TIMESTAMP it returns a timestamp with timezone value.

or else u can use LOCALTIMESTAMP
