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Concurrent Program Execution

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 11:20 am
by Rammi
Hi Folks,

GoodDay, I am getting one problem while executing Concurrent Program through front end. In detail..

I have created one package, and executed at APPS schema. The package is executed(created) with out any errors. And granted execute permission to CUSTOM schema. There at CUSTOM schema i have created one synonym for the package. And did the remaining front-end steps for concurrent program.

I have followed the following steps to execute concurrent program..

1. After finishing the creation of Package in APPS schema, granted its execution permishions to CUSTOM schema.
2. Created its synonym in CUSTOM schema.
3. Then login with my RESPONSIBILITY--> Application Developer--> Concurrent --->EXECUTE(filled the details).
-->Application Developer--> Concurrent --->PROGRAM(filled)
4. Switch to System Adminstrator Responsibility -->Security-->Responsibility-->Request ( Added the Program here at request group)
5. Then Swith in to my personal Responsibility-->View-->Request--> and did the remaining things..

I tried with Procedure name , Package name...etc(with synonym & with out also..)

But still it is showing error in the log file as "The Procedure is not defines"..

Please let me know where i did the mistake. Is it not the correct way to run concurrent program..?


Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 6:01 am
by Pirzada
Hi Ram,
what hav u defined in the Execution File Name? It should be like PackageName.[Procedure][Function]

Ali Pirzada

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:29 am
by Rammi

GoodDay, I am very much thankful to you.. The concurrent program executed successfully. Up to now i tried with procedure name only...

Thanks for your reply..
