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Credit memo with diff Payment terms

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 5:54 pm
by luckykiriti
Hi Gurus,

I have a question related to Credit memo payment terms.

Usually credit memo-payment terms will be defaulted from Supplier site. (eg: Net30 days)
What will be the impact if I raise a credit memo with payment terms Immediate and do Invoice payment running payment batch.

Eg: Invoice dated: 10th Aug, 08 with PT: Net30. Amount: 500$
Credit memo: 15th Aug, 08 with PT: <b>Immediate</b>. Amount: 50$

Can anyone explain wht will be the impact if I make a payment thru a payment batch
1. Matching the credit memo to that invoice.
2. Without matching to invoice.

Will there be any impact of Credit memo payment terms immediate in this example.

Appreciate your early help.

Kiriti V[:)]