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Dunning letter problem

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:04 pm

I defined a dunning letter in AR responsibility

(N) Setup > Print > Dunning Letter

Set review date: today

ticked Check box: Active

But when i go to profile class the newely created dunning letter is not visible.

Can anyone help me?

I also tried without review date and also a date which is one month back.

The profile class was created two days back


Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:29 am
by pushpaveniu
First u write the name of the dunning letter and enter message and save the form.
Here u have done the one mistake i thought i.e., profile is class is having Dunning Letter Sets(it is the set of Dunning letters). But u defined the dunning letter only not set.
so, first u define the dunning letter 1, dunning letter 2 etc.. and assign these dunning letters to dunning letter sets and then assign this set to profile class.
1. Set up>Print>dunning letters(for defining dunning letters)
2. Set up >print>dunning letter sets(assign dunning letters to this set using this navigation)
3.Customer > Profile class(assign dunning letter set to profile class)

i hope it helps to u.


I defined a dunning letter in AR responsibility

(N) Setup > Print > Dunning Letter

Set review date: today

ticked Check box: Active

But when i go to profile class the newely created dunning letter is not visible.

Can anyone help me?

I also tried without review date and also a date which is one month back.

The profile class was created two days back


<i><div align="right">Originally posted by

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:40 am
Thanks Pushpa

I fixed the problem...:)

Appriciate your help