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Requisition in Autocreate

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:55 am
by emm
Dear,i have a few problems related to Requisitions and PO`s

Your help is greatly appreciated

Problem #1:
After the approval of requisition, we use autocreate functionality to make PO

Now for example the requisition has one line of 500 units.I auto create that one line and in the PO make the quantity 300 before sending for approval.. the balance 200 must show up in the autocreate when i query again providing tht particular requsition number..but its not showing up but says "no records meet your search criteria"

Problem #2:
In some cases, it happens that after the PO has been made and finally approved, the supplier cancels it or it has to be rejected later on
Now we can assume that requisition was made of 1000 units and 500 units were auto created for PO and later the PO was cancelled or rejected after fully approval
Now when i query that particular requisition number again in autocreate, it shows 500 only and not the lines i cancelled. it is supposed to show !am i right ?

Thats what logiccally should happen but its not happening

Please advise

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 2:29 am
by Ram
Please go thro the Attached Document for the First Scenario.

For the Second Scenarios if PO is cancelled i think you need to create the new PO by copying the same PO. Once PR is converted into PO even if you cancel the PO Requisition Lines will not be available once again. That is the Logic if i am right.

[img]/images/icon_zip.gif[/img] <b>Attachment:</b> Splitting Requisition Lines into Multiple PO - <i>( 27bytes )</i>

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:47 am
by bhushan.raghav
[quote]Dear,i have a few problems related to Requisitions and PO`s

Your help is greatly appreciated

Problem #1:
After the approval of requisition, we use autocreate functionality to make PO

Now for example the requisition has one line of 500 units.I auto create that one line and in the PO make the quantity 300 before sending for approval.. the balance 200 must show up in the autocreate when i query again providing tht particular requsition number..but its not showing up but says "no records meet your search criteria"

Problem #2:
In some cases, it happens that after the PO has been made and finally approved, the supplier cancels it or it has to be rejected later on
Now we can assume that requisition was made of 1000 units and 500 units were auto created for PO and later the PO was cancelled or rejected after fully approval
Now when i query that particular requisition number again in autocreate, it shows 500 only and not the lines i cancelled. it is supposed to show !am i right ?

Thats what logiccally should happen but its not happening

Please advise

<i><div align="right">Originally posted by emm