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Unable to see Requision number at Autocreate PO

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:07 am
by dvsprao108
Hi Folks,

I have an issue in Purchasing.

Actually we have one Approved Standard Purchase Requisition.
But when we try to create auto create PO, we could not able to see this Req no. in the list of values. But why?

Can any expert explain and help me in this issue.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:20 am
by emm
Am not an expert but can give it a try with my experience on same issue

This happened with me
but later i got to know that i was creating the Requisition in ORG A and trying to autocreate with a user in ORG B..

we also had Organization access enabled

Hope this helps you

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:34 am
by dvsprao108
Hi emm,

Thanks for your reply, but it is the same org. I am sure.
But I don't know why it is not appearing.

And also, one more requisition is appearing, but when i try to do autocreate PO, there is another error as "No Requisitions meet your search criteria. Why?

Please tell me, if you know about it.


Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:42 am
by emm
i think you have created folders

Kindly do one thing

Go to APPLICATION>administer folders in system administrator responsibility

Select by user and enter the name of the user there from which you are getting the error for the second one

If you find any lines there, delete them and re-query

Hope it help you

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:29 am
by admin
Check the item if any buyer is assigned else use manage buyer workload and assign to any other buyer who is going to create PO. Thanks

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:44 am
by dvsprao108
Hi Admin,

Thanks for the help.

I successfully created PO by changing the option "Manage buyer workload"

And please tell me about my first problem, that why i could not able to see the req. no. in the list of values to autocreate PO?

Thanks in advance.


Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:01 am
by admin
In a purchase department there may be more than one Purchasers/Buyers. Many purchase requisitions are created of different items on daily basis. Now who will decide which PR will be processed by whom? Secondly Buyers are also experts in buying certain items like a buyer to buy only electrical items should only create PO's of electrical items. This the reason items are assigned a buyer so requisitions of those items should be routed to the relevant.
So on searching requisition a buyer filter is automatically applied. In order to reassign buyers Oracle provided facility of Manage Buyer workload so the purchase manager can reassign as well.

Hope now it is clear if still any query then let us know. thanks