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Captilized interest

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:19 am
by Rekha
Hi Oracle gurus,

I am having problem while generating capitalized interests for capital projects.
The request "PRC: Generate Capitalized Interest Transactions" is showing warning as"A capitalized interest schedule does not exist for this project".

I have done all the related setups like:
Define Capitalized interest name
Define schedule name and assign it to the org and interest name
Give the schedule name in Project types
check "allow capital interest" in project template and gave the schedule name.
Interface supplier costs
Run PRC: Generate Capitalized Interest Transactions

But still i am getting the error as schedule doesnt exist.

Kindly let me know if i have missed out any setup steps. or if you have any documents related to captilized interest(other than user guides) pls send it to " "
