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buyer cannot create a purchase order

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:58 am
by lisan_uoda

I'm a purchasing super user (Oracle 11i). and a buyer (newly added). though i can see my name in buyers form as a buyer, still i cant create or open any Purchase Order. It says

"You are not setup as an employee. To access this form you need to be an employee."

is it necessary to add myself in Position Hierarchy? Position hierarchy is used for approval in the system.

Thanks in advance


Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 6:43 am
by israr

no it is not necessary to add yourself in the position hierarchy. you are right it is for the approvals in the system.
you need to define yourself as an employee.
follow this navigation
attach this emplyee to your user
system adminstrator>user>define>person field.

try now hopefully it will work.



Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:04 am
by phani

If HRMS is fully set up, then you may do this from HRMS responsibility


Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:48 am
by salmanmi2
Dear Lisan,
Please check that have you attached your employee to ur user name through the following navigation ( System Administrater > Security > User > Define ).
If you have done this then kindly run the report "fill employee hirarchy" from "Purahasing Responsibility".
By doing this i think your problem will get solved.



I'm a purchasing super user (Oracle 11i). and a buyer (newly added). though i can see my name in buyers form as a buyer, still i cant create or open any Purchase Order. It says

"You are not setup as an employee. To access this form you need to be an employee."

is it necessary to add myself in Position Hierarchy? Position hierarchy is used for approval in the system.

Thanks in advance


<i><div align="right">Originally posted by lisan_uoda

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:41 pm
by lisan_uoda
Hi all

thank you for help. my problem is solved. there was slight mistake in defining user from System Administrator responsibility. i got duplicate name in the LOV of Person field in Users form. one of them was invalid. i was using the invalid one. thats why the problem occurred.
