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Issue with Tax code

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:13 am
by Triveni
Hi All ,

We have a issue with tax code in AP 11i (version


User is using xx Buz support responsibility , In that the withholding tax is enddated (Setup/tax/codes ----> down right click the withholding tax tab it will opens a form on that enddated against that taxcode) ,

Hence its not calculating withholding tax for invoices for the current invoices.

However its not allowing to disable the tax code (Setup/tax/codes--window the checkbox []) throwing an error field is protected against , and showing in Tax code listing report as enabled .

please let me know hou to disable that taxcode .

was there any concurrent program which will update that taxcode enabling and disabling ?


We need to run any update query from back end which will change the tax code to disabled? If so please provide the query ?

The above things are my assumptions on the possibilities to resolve the issue .

Please let me know more details.


Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:10 am
by siva sankar

For tax_id / code disabling..

Account Payables -->Tax --> Taxes.

Query the respective tax name and put the end date in to date field.

otherwise through backend.. using following query.

select * from ja_in_tax_codes where tax_id='<>'

update ja_in_tax_codes set END_DATE='<date>'
where tax_id='tax_id';

Thanks & Regards,

