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Difference between TE020 and TE040

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:48 am
by benny
Hi Members,

Could anyone explain what is the difference between TE020 (unit test script) and the TE040 (system test script)?

Your replies are appreciated....


Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:18 am
by surendra
hello ben
what you said, it absolutely correct. TE20 for unit test script and TE40 for system or you can say for whole cyclic test.
for example let consider P to p cycle. where there a no of steps are involved. first of you have to start from purchasing module. there you have to create a purchase order, after creating a purchase order you have to create an invoice for that purchase order. then after creating invoice you have to make payment for that invoice. then after just go to cash management and reconcile it. At last in the general ledger module you have to import all the above steps. like this in all the above, there have been lot of steps to verify. so through TE20 we can test each of the above steps, but by the help of TE40 we can test the whole cycle whether it is properly working or not.
i hope you have got a little bit idea about the difference between TE20 and TE40

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 7:58 am
by sivasubbusn

It is pretty simply.

TE.20 - Unit Test Scripts
TE.40 - Integrated Test Scripts
