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Document sequence for withholding tax

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 10:59 am
by jairam.apps

We have predefined document categories for stadard Invoices, DM,CM,Expense Invoices etc.. But thre is no predefined category for Withholding tax invoice.

When we use the pre defined document category and sequencing is automatic, then document category defaults automatically in the invoice workbench.

Since withholding tax deoesnt have the predefined document category, we need to define it manually and we need to assign document sequencing.

When we enter witholding tax invoice manually, document category is not getting defaulted auomatically in to the invocie workbench, each time we need to choose from teh list of value.

Do we have any setup to default the document category automatically for withholding tax invoices when ever we choose the invoice type withholding tax invoice.

Thanks in advance,

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:31 am
by tgs100
I don't think you can default the category for the withholding tax invoices. It was by design, and there was an enhancement request for this in R11.. Not sure whether this issue is resolved in R12.

Try personalization for automatically defaulting the category.

Saravanan TG

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 4:30 am
by jairam.apps
Hi Sravanan,

Thanks a lot for the informatio on this issue.
