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receipt class in ar 11i

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 12:59 pm
by harikumarc1981@rediffmail
hi, iam working in multi org.
1. In AR 11 i iam defining receipt class for autolockbox purpose. in receipt class window we have to give the bank accouts, but it is givinig message like list of values contain no values when iam trying to give ac for un earned discout, earned discount.other ac are coming.

2. receipt source and receipt method both are same if not how to define receipt method what is the navigation

waiting for ur reply

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 3:40 pm
by tgs100
Define 'Receivable Activities' for unearned and earned discounts before creating receipt class.

Receipt method (Payment Method section) is part of receipt class definition.


Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 11:28 am
by harikumarc1981@rediffmail
[quote]Define 'Receivable Activities' for unearned and earned discounts before creating receipt class.

Receipt method (Payment Method section) is part of receipt class definition.


<i><div align="right">Originally posted by tgs100

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 10:35 pm
by tgs100
I don't think multi-org setup creates this issue. Hope you have completed the following.

1. 'Replicate Seeded Data' concurrent program is run
2. Profile options are set for the responsibility (MO: Operating Unit, etc)
3. Created receivable activity in the right operating unit.


Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:27 am
by harikumarc1981@rediffmail
[quote]I don't think multi-org setup creates this issue. Hope you have completed the following.

1. 'Replicate Seeded Data' concurrent program is run
2. Profile options are set for the responsibility (MO: Operating Unit, etc)
3. Created receivable activity in the right operating unit.


hi, all the 3 steps i defined. but still the problem exists yar.


<i><div align="right">Originally posted by tgs100

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 8:17 am
by harikumarc1981@rediffmail
[quote]I don't think multi-org setup creates this issue. Hope you have completed the following.

1. 'Replicate Seeded Data' concurrent program is run
2. Profile options are set for the responsibility (MO: Operating Unit, etc)
3. Created receivable activity in the right operating unit.


<i><div align="right">Originally posted by tgs100