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Step: Download Oracle tutor Document From Support.

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:29 am
by m_muzamil_khan
To download the Oracle tutor documents from the New Oracle Metalink renamed as Oracle Support, follow the steps given below.

1. Login to Oracle Support with your Oracle SSO User Id and Password
2. Once the flash interface loads, Click on Pathes and Updates
3. There will be a Box named Patch Search, click on Product or Family (Advanced Search) in that box.
4. Click on the tickbox, Include all products in a family
5. From the dropdown for Product, select Tutor
6. From the Dropdown on Release is, click on the grey arrow on the left beside the folder icon tutor, You will get four options:
1. Applications dev11i
2. Applications 11i
3. Applications dev11iX
4. Applications R12
7. Choose Applications 11i or Applications R12
8. In the nect dropdown "Platform is", select "Microsoft Windows (32 bit) Client"
9. Click on Search
10. The patch lists will be displayed with Patch ID and Description which gives the module details.
11. Whichever you want to download, click on the Patch ID
12. The Patch opens on the right side of the screen
13. On the right there will be a download button, click on that and save the file to your computer.