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Internal requisition read from price list

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:34 am
by hiszaki
Dear All,

We have 2 OU?s. The first OU will make an internal requisition & the second OU will make internal sales order. The price in the requisition will be cost price.

Is available to make the price in the internal requisition read from price list?
Need your help urgent if this function can be use or not & if not how we make the item read from price list not item cost.


Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:34 am
by hiszaki
Dear All

Please if any person has any idea about this topic. it's very urgent


Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:02 am
by pritu29

Internal Sales order always take cost price. you have 3 options

1)use advanced price list(you need to use "QP_CUSTOM" package

2)first all data will transfer to Order interface table so before importing make one concurrent program to update price (which should read from price list) and update price in interface table before importing to order management. so after importing you will have price which you have updated.

we have implemented this and working cool !!

3) use transfer % in inventory org parameter (if you price is some percentage to that cost) liek 10 ,20 % more than cost price.

Pritesh Shah

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:25 am
by hiszaki
Thanks Pritesh for your replay.

for the second solution, if we update the price in the interface table before importing to Order. when we receive the goods in the inventory which price will be taken price from requisition (item cost) or price from order after update (price item).

I try to follow the note 404480.1 & I change the price in the order but when I received the goods, the price was from requisition (cost item).


Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:08 am
by hiszaki
Hi Pritesh

I try your solution by update the calculate_price_flag, UNIT_LIST_PRICE , UNIT_SELLING_PRICE in the order management oe_lines_iface_all table & the order price are updated but when I received the items in the inventory the unit price return to cost price (requisition price not order price).

So please if there are any steps missing please inform & if any person have any idea about the same subject please inform it's very urgent.
