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Can't open form AR

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:22 am
by turbo
Hi all,

I am using R12.0.6

When open these AR form: Receipt class, Transaction, Receipt, it issue the error: "FRM-40735: WHEN-CREATE-RECORD trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-04063 "

I had run replicate seed data for OU and, and Validate Application Accounting Definitions

Please help me!
Thanks so much!

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:20 am
by karthikeyanp1981
Dear Tubo,

This could be a patching issue as stated in 1072062.1.
Please check for any invalid packages and recompile those to get them in to a VALID status.
Then retest the issue.
If the invalid packages cannot be recompiled, then apply the patch as stated in the note.
